Any problems with flying after lap band?
— karen62 (posted on September 4, 2008)
September 4, 2008
There are no problems with flying...just make your reservations and go have
a great time....
If you are interested in another site that deals with all Lap Band go to
Yahoo Groups and type in is just another site with great
info and a WLS Nurse that is a moderator....I like to check out other sites
just for a change and this is the best one I have found.....
September 4, 2008
You shouldn't any problems with flying with the lap band. Mine sets off the
handheld metal detector. I also have a knee replacement that sets off the
big metal detector so I always get the wand. I've heard that the band
itself won't usually set it off though. On the plus side I can now fit in
the seatbelt without an extension!
— BigMurph
September 4, 2008
My doctor advised me that sometimes the altitude or pressure or whatever of
flying can make the band tighter and that an unfill before flying might be
advisable. I haven't flown since I've had the band but when I do, I'll
probably go in before hand and get a little taken out.
— Carla_B
September 4, 2008
My doc issued a card that I carry with me so the security is aware that I
had the surgery and will set off the machine. Go early, some of those
guards will want to take you aside just to be sure, which is a good thing!
Just slows you down a bit.
— Val_T
September 5, 2008
I had no problems flying. I have two knee replacements, a metal rod and
screws and a heart filter that sets off the security so if it did (which it
shouldn't) what was one more thing. Have a great time. Diane
— dyates2948
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