Rny and Smoking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I smoked for many years and recently stopped due to having surgery but i know alot of people who still smoke after surgery..... I quit and am not going to start again just wanted to know what problems you can get from smoking after rny......    — alicia128 (posted on July 11, 2008)

July 11, 2008
I think that the problems you can get from smoking after RNY are the same without it. It is my understanding the surgeons who make you quit believe why have this life saving surgery if you are just going to kill yourself with cigarettes? Thin with cancer isn't any prettier than fat with cancer. Smoking also does increase your chances of oral, esophageal, stomach, pancreatic, liver and lung cancer. You will not be able to get in the exercise you need to lose the weight post-operatively to reach your goals if you can't breathe. I haven't personally discussed this issue with a surgeon, these are just my feelings on the issue. Thankfully, all of the people I know who used to smoke, did quit once they decided to lead a healthier, happier life. I know how hard it is, I used to smoke and quit in 1989 as a wedding present to my husband as he absolultely hated it. Nicotene is a hard core addiction and very difficult to give up. I give serious props to anyone who can quit. For you, you have the additional challenge of not smoking and doing the right thing for WLS, another addiction... it takes a very strong, committed person and I highly commend you for that. Good for you... you can do it. Very proud of you, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

July 11, 2008
I was afraid to have the surgery for fear of being asleep for so long and having smoked for so long. i was fine. i didnt even wake up with the breathing machine in. I had my surgery almost 5 yrs ago and i did not quit. Not saying I dont want to becasue i do. Its very hard though and its true. We have this life saving surgery and we continue to kill ourselves. So I did not have any problems.
   — Joanc

July 12, 2008
hi I smoked for 24 yrs.... 2 packs a day. I was told that I needed to be 3 months smoke free. I quit Jan. 3 and my first letter was sent on July 9.....waiting approval...good luck to u
   — Sheri Gibson

July 12, 2008
Plus, the additives can ulcerate your pouch. YOWCH!
   — crydecker

July 13, 2008
I think you can have the same problems with smoking after wls as before. In the wls classes and the meetings I attended one of the speakers said that smoking breaks harms the pouch and causing it damage. How true that is I do not know. I do not smoke or ever tried it.
   — mspisces

July 13, 2008
smoking reduces blood flow causiong slow healing, and after surgery can cause terrible ulcers that are very hard to treat. posters on this board have had the smoking caused ulcers. Geez after risking you life having surgery why put yourself at futher risk from all the normal smoking hazards? WLS is a chance at a new healthier life
   — bob-haller

July 13, 2008
Before surgery smoking can cause clots...After it's just bad for a healing pouch and for the lungs (especially after anesthesia)...Thereafter it's just a lot of stress on your immune system and your body especially with all the weight loss and malnutrition issues...There is NOTHING good about smoking...Not a darn thing... Signe, a 24 year smoker...5 years smoke free!
   — .Anita R.

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