I know its gross Im so embarresed to ask this but.....

Is it normal for bowel movements post-op to be oily? It looks like water mixing with oil after I go...sorry for being graphic!    — Kimberlin Katayama (posted on July 8, 2008)

July 8, 2008
Yes, after my original RNY in 1997 I had them for years. It gradually went away. How ever I just had extention to my RNY to ERNY on July 2. I have normal BM's as before. Just like a plop. No diarhherra just loose stool. Everyone is going to be different.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 8, 2008
It is caused by foods with fat or oils hat you are still eating. You no longer process food through the first third of your small intestine, which is the part that absorbs Fat, Sugar and carbs. The fat can not be absorbed so it just passes through to the colon. That part of the small intestine is now conected to the last third of your small intestine and it only carrys Acid from the stomach that is no longer procesing food to aid in digestion of the foods you are eating. Remember the doctor telling you that too much oil, sugar or carbs can make you sick or have dumping. Some oils like olive or Peanut, but not Butter, are good for you and will not make you sick if you have more of them, so maybe you are getting the right kinds of fat, but they just don't process or absorbe. I noticed that as I refinded my diet over the first two months the "Oil Slick" went away. Best of success to you!
   — William (Bill) wmil

July 8, 2008
Expect your BM's to go thru all kinds of colors consistencies, and changes at first. They will get normal again with time. Good luck and congratulations on your surgery and a new and healthier you!
   — lesleigh07

July 8, 2008
How does that song go? Change...change...change or ? lol You will constantly change. I have went from one extreme to the other, then hemorhoids due to constipation. Now after 3 yrs. p.o. I am finally normal, unless I eat something that doesnt agree. Only time I would worry is when it doesnt come at all after 48 hrs. then worry!
   — C-There

July 9, 2008
I am not post op but pre- and just wanted to say no question is dumb. Even I, am learning from the issues that are brought before those with the experiences. So just a note of gratitude, as I am learning and preparing myself for my time is yet to come. Surgery date of Sept. 30th. TY again! nancycardin
   — Nancy C.

July 9, 2008
My surgery is on 7/17 and I totally agree with Nancy--your question is great and the answers help educate those of us who are waiting. I'm seeing a lot on bm issues and have decided I probably need to take 3-4 weeks over afterwards.
   — MKPstamps

July 9, 2008
This is proof that fat is malabsorbed...because...there it is! The bad thing about that is some vitamins need fat to be absorbed in your body...Those are the vitamins that are commonly deficiencies in GB...You must take these vitamins in dry form from now on...They are vitamins A, D, E, and K... The one vitamin you need to watch closest (in labs) is vitamin D...It must be Vit D3 that is taken with your Calcium Citrate...This is the correct Vit D. You cannot absorb Calcium without Vit D3...So make sure your Calcium is Citrate with D3....! After a while your body adjusts to the way it absorbs and learns to absorb stuff in your other organs and even fat is better absorbed...But if you eat a lot of fats, you will still see it occasionally and usually in the softer stuff...That means too much fats! But you do need good fats so don't cut it out completely or you'll have trouble in the opposite direction! Fats are still a lubricant, in otherwords! PS. At 4 years out, my labs showed that I was low on Vit A, E and D...So now I take them as supps (in dry form) along with my multi vitamin...Sorry for the long winded answer...but knowledge keeps you healthy...You have the rest of your life in a new might as well learn how it works! Right? Right!
   — .Anita R.

July 9, 2008
Thank You and others for asking questions like this. For those of us who are awaiting bypass surgery, everything is a help to us, and nothing is embarrassing. When our time comes we will feel better prepared because of brave ones who went before us. Thanks to our frank and open OH friends for thier answers!!
   — bettyjac5

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