Has anyone had a problem with using Celebrex after RNY?

I'm on celebrex. If I don't use it, I don't walk, and you can forget about exercising. I've tried EVERYTHING. The only other thing that works is narcotics and I'm not trying to get all caught up in that!! Has anyone had any problems with developing ulcers or had GI upset using celebrex after the RNY?    — Senji (posted on June 25, 2008)

June 25, 2008
I am an RN, and I asked our clinical Pharmacist about this. Patients who have had Bypass must not ever again take any anti-inflammatory meds because of the high risk of ulcers BOTH in the new small stomach and in the old, unused stomach. Part of the risk is that ulcers that develop in the old stomach won't give you or a doctor the usual warning symptoms so it can go unrecognized until it ruptures and you could bleed to death. Ask your surgeon. What is the big deal with taking a mild narcotic pain reliever on a regular basis? When taken regularly, and not in excess, you will not be sedated. You can drink prune juice to avoid constipation.
   — nancycarle

June 25, 2008
Hi Tonya..... I had RNY 6 yrs ago and I take Celebrex. I actually take 200mg 2x daily and have not had any problems. I checked with my surgeon after the surgery about taking it for my arthritis in my knees and she said to take whatever dosage my PCP recommends.
   — jeannieree

June 25, 2008
You really shouldn't use anti inflamatory drugs...I had to stop my arthritis meds too ( I think 10-14 days before surgery??? )...and it was not fun. But in the hospital, they give way better drugs for pain and that takes care of any and all serious pain while you are there. I walked all over the WLS wing....They gave me a month supply of oxycoden and I used it only when the pain was really bad...half way thru the bottle, I began taking half a pill and when they were gone, the doc wouldn't give me more...Told me to take tylenol...I was not happy about that, but it really worked! And by that time I was losing weight so fast that the more I lost the lesser the pain got...I lost 150 lbs in 15-18 mos... 4.5 years later, I still maintain my weight at 165 + or - a few lbs here and there...but 165 lbs average....and I have NO pain...Occasionally I will have a flare up for a few days (sometimes longer if I am really stressed), but NOTHING and I mean NOTHING like before. I hope you find that your pain also disappears with the weight loss! Good luck and if things don't improve greatly (which I think they will) I'm sure they will hook you up with something that works well and won't harm your pouch. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it feels with no pain....I really didn't even want to live with that pain much longer...and RNY really took care of it in no time at all. I'm on ZERO meds...Only vitamins and supplements...and that is all! I don't even get colds much either...I've had one cold this past winter when my vitamin levels got low...I just got back to taking them regularly again and I'm doing good again. I hope you have the same results! Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

June 25, 2008
I had LapBand and Celebrex is the ONLY thing that my WLS will allow me to take. No over the counter type anti-inflamatories whatsoever. It is a rapidly dissolving capsule.... if I have a lot of restriction, I will dump the contents out into my protein pudding or shake and get it down that way. I have arthritis and I agree with you, if I don't take my Celebrex, I don't walk. It is completely up to your WLS not your PCP if you can take it or not. I do have to take liqu
   — DawnVic

June 25, 2008
My surgeon spoke to one of his patients at a recent seminar about this very same medication. She has severe arthiritus and needed an anti inflammatory. My surgeon related a case where his father in law had RNY 9 years ago, and has taken Celebrex almost the whole time since surgery. The doctor recommended taking Prilosec around 30-45 minutes prior to the Celebrex to coat the "pouch" lining. I also spoke to a woman I know at one of my support groups. She has the same surgeon as me. She has joint problems in her ankles and feet, and takes Celbrex for this issue in the same manner as described. So I'd talk to you doc, and explain the problem and as his opinoin on this resolution. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

June 25, 2008
I have rheumatiod arthritis and take a drug called ENBREL it is an injection that you give yourself 2x a week. It works like a miracle, I couldn't walk before I started using this! I had my rny 5/12/08 and developed an ulcer 3 weeks later not from meds. but it wasn't plesant to go through. hope this is of some help.
   — carol66

June 25, 2008
I have to say I agree very much with Anita's response. I too was on Celebrex as I have bone-on-bone issues with one knee and the other was over stressed trying to compensate. I understand pain. And I understand your reluctance to take narcotics and was skeptical about Tylenol as it never seemed effective even for a headache. I have found tremendous relief from a liquid Glucosamine / Chondroitin as well as the liquid multi-vitamin that you can find at The Glucosamine is pretty tasteless and the multivitamine is quite pleasant. And I am picky!! It takes a few days for the Glucosamine to become noticeably effective. It is a bit gradual. But if you ever let yourself run out and stop taking them you REALLY come to appreciate how effective they are! Please be as protective with your new anatomy and the specific cautions and concerns there as you have been through necessity with the existing medical issues you experience. I began at 425 lbs and believe me -- as the weight comes off you regain mobility and the pain does get much less. I now exercise daily and manage well with only the liquid Glucosamine mentioned above. No longer even need the Tylenol! As overweight folks we get to be experts at getting around the rules and fooling ourselves that we'll still have an optimal outcome. Please do your best to guard against opening the door to new medical concerns! Having said that - I do understand the pain issue. But PLEASE give it a try!
   — sunny99

July 25, 2008
   — therealfroglady

July 25, 2008
I have pheripal neurapathy in both legs/thighs and I was taken off celebrex also before surgery. By 6 weeks out I was in so much pain! My nerve damage pain cannot be controlled by just vicodin and baclofen alone. When I started back to taking my celebrex on my own my pain begin to ease up again. I have a six week check in about a week but, has anyone else found anything besides celebrex to ease the pain when having neuropathy pain?
   — kbiz888

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