if you don't get in all your water will it keep you from losing weight

i had surgery April 27-08 and i have only lost 20 pounds is that good or should it be better?i am walking a mile a day and not eating very much it doesn't seem like enough to me! any help with this would be great just getting frustrated!    — 1bigbear (posted on May 24, 2008)

May 24, 2008
That's only a month ago that you had surgery. You are walking a mile a day - that's wonderful. I couldn't do that at just 4 weeks out! Don't get frustrated. Make sure you are drinking your protein and drink as much water as you can but let your body adjust to this major change. All of us have gone through periods when we don't loose. I went 5 weeks once and my PCP finally told me I was in starvation mode and HAD to eat more! When I ate (even some things that were forbidden by my surgeon like mashed potato) I began to loose. At 1/4 cup total what can it hurt if that's all you can get down. Anyhow, I am back now to mostly protein at 5 months out and am down 83 lbs. C. Garber
   — Caroline Garber

May 24, 2008
You are doing all the right things and the weight lose is just great. That said, I backed off the 100 Oz of water a day my doctor wanted me to take because I felt like I walked around all day and night with a bottle of water to get it all down. We just 4 weeks later, despite a good weight loss, I came down with a case of Gout. It is a pain in you foot or feet that is like not so gentle as the pain after surgery and there is noting you can take to back off the pain. Just drink and take a perscription drug to help remove the uric acid from your feet. Uric acid is what you pee out, and the water helps delute it, you create more uric acid when you are losing weight and the woter make you go more often. Without the right amount of water, the uric acid circulate in you blood and like water use to do it settles in your feet, and the uric acid crystal atttach your bone joints creating the pain. I am back at my 100 oz a day and recovering from the attach, and for the rest of my life, water will be there every day, bottle or no bottle in hand to insure I do not experence this attach again. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

May 24, 2008
I had my surgery April 21-08 and have only lost 22 pounds. It slows down some while your body gets used to the new types and amounts of food you are consuming. I've heard it picks back up some after week 6 if you keep eating right and exercising. I'm hoping it will for me. :) Seriously though, I posted almost the same thing about 2 weeks ago and got the same advice. I think it happens to almost everyone where things slow down a bit for awhile.
   — DianaB.

May 25, 2008
I'm glad to see doctors recommend the 100 ounces of water daily. GREAT advice. I found a guy who talks about metabolism, too - I don't think it costs anything to check him out! He does have a book, but I just listened to an interview. is his site. He talks about fat burning vs fat storing mode. Sounds like you may be in storing mode. But 20 lbs isn't a bad amount to lose - I've seen that frequently in two months with a nutritional change. I did 30 lbs in about 100 days.
   — Ruth Shapovalov

May 25, 2008
Yes, you are doing great! the exercise you are doing is awesome. I can't seem to walk that much, I am swimming some but nothing great!! I guess we are all different! I had surgery 4/29 and lost only 6 lbs. Now that is bad... keep up the good work and don't feel discourage!! elisalu
   — Elisa D.

May 27, 2008
You are doing wonderful! It seems slow now...but trust us...It catches up and after a year you will be soooooo happy! Drink the water, no matter how hard it seems. The water keeps your skin hydratated, your organs functioning...the toxins out of your body and keeps your kidneys and liver clean too...These vital organs need flushing to wash out all the extra vits and supps that you are not absorbing properly anymore. (Another reason you MUST take extra to begin with)...Water is a must, and I don't know if it really keeps you from losing if you are not drinking enough, but it does keep you healthy and all your organs functioning properly...Even if you cannot get it all in yet...DON'T stop trying...eventually you will be more than able to drink over 64 oz of water daily...It keeps you from grazing years later too...I drink all day between meals and stay totally satisfied all day long...4 years of success keeping my weigt off...and I believe water helped curb my hunger inbetween meals for certain!
   — .Anita R.

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