Is there any chance they can make the pouch too small?
— michele_b (posted on May 10, 2008)
May 10, 2008
Why do you ask that question hon? If you are having ANY problems with your
surgery....CALL THE SURGEON IMEDIATELY!!!! I'll be praying that you are
healing safely...ok?
Your friend, Linda
— LindaA
May 11, 2008
Not realy. Most pouches are about the size of a mans thumb. They use some
stomach tissue at the throut to conect some small intestine tissue, and
they make an opening to transfer the food slowly to the second part of the
small intestine. Your old stomach and the firstthird of the small
intestine are conected to the last third of the small intestine and the
stomach is sewn to the wall of your chest to keep it from slipping down.
The think that can heal to small is the opening out of the pouch. I know
mine is small because I have trouble with beef not propery chewed getting
stuck and causing me si==disconfort for hours, until it unlodges. I perfer
to have everything thight and then I will loose the maximun, rather than
too big and I can eat to much. Best of success to you.
— William (Bill) wmil
May 11, 2008
Anything is possible, but it is highly unlikely. Typically, creating the
pouch is the first step in RNY and surgeons will measure it before the cut
and staple.
— SteveColarossi
May 14, 2008
Michele: I would say it's not too likely that they could get the pouch too
small, although I guess anything is possible...but they can make your
intestine too short...which will cause people to be sick more often. Since
I'm not sure why you are asking the question, my answer may not help at
all. But if you are having any specific problems, contact your doctor for
a follow up. Best of luck and well being to you!
— BrendaMS
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