i am now 7 wks out and i am having problems with vomiting.

i cant get food to go down it builds up in my stomach till i have to make myself throwup just to take a drink. please help!    — charliesmama (posted on May 6, 2008)

May 6, 2008
Sounds like you have a stricture or a blockage. I had one at just about the same time. All they did was gave me some meds that put me to sleep for a short time and went in and stretched the opening and that evening we went out to supper. No more problems since and it was really easy. Be sure and call your dr. and let him know what is going on. You need to be able to get some nourishment.
   — Claudia C.

May 6, 2008
My daughter had the same problem and she had a stricture as well and they put her to sleep in office and she has had NO problem since. Call your doctor and get this taken care of, she had about 12 to 14 pills just sitting there and could not even keep a sip of water down, she has since lost 92lbs
   — Chrisy

May 6, 2008
That still happens to me when I eat too fast. But it used to happen newly post op like you are. ..You shouldn't be drinking after you eat either. Unless the food stays stuck, I'd say you are eating too much and too fast...Try eating slower....and eat til you feel satisfied and not full...Don't drink anything for at least 30 minutes after you eat. See if that helps...and CHEW CHEW CHEW that food! That really helps. If it still is your surgeon. Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

May 6, 2008
Call your doctor right away. In my opinion, you may have a stricture or you may not be chewing enough.
   — Jen R.

May 7, 2008
I too am 7 weeks out and I am going in today for an endoscopy to rule out a stricture and or an ulcer. Same problem as you are having. 95% stays down. Good luck to you! Ana Villa, RN
   — nursevilla

May 7, 2008
Call your bariatric doctor and see about getting an endoscopy. It's a simple procedure. I'm 4.5 months post-RNY and have had it done 3 times (so far). It may be a stricture, like I had, or something else. The only way to know is by talking to the right doctor and getting a scope done (if necessary). I ignored the throwing up and reduction in the amount I could eat until it was too late... and I couldn't even get water down. I ended up staying in the hospital for 3 days.
   — gonnadoit

May 7, 2008
I feel you. I'm 7 weeks out and I too sometimes throw up and I really believe its because I'm not chewing my food enough or eating too much. I could go a week and be fine, then, if I eat too much, I'll vomit.
   — jennyanniedots

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