Here's something that needs to be said on posting....
I remember not too long ago a "majorly disgruntled poster" wrote a 101 page post on how they thought this website and the posters where so mean and disrespectful....blah, blah, blah. Well here's the deal, you post ..your asking for peoples opinions. Most all the poster to your question come from experience so take what you need from it, if your offended...well thats on you, you asked. Keep in mind that people only read words, can only assume how your stating things, assume where your coming from......and some times they are wrong, but they tell you like it is. Learn from experience, every body needs a butt chewin from time to time.............I love you guys!!! — Kathy-R (posted on January 11, 2008)
January 11, 2008
You said it! I even need a butt chewin' every now and again! God bless
and welcome to the losing side!
— crystalsno
January 11, 2008
I remember that post well! AND I read pretty much all posts on here as
well..... Some are "harsh", but I believe they come from the
"heart"! AND some are even hard on! And I
love everyone on here as well, we all share a common GOAL!!!! Being LOSERS!
— Toni Todd
January 12, 2008
If we are thinking of the same post, which may not be the case at all, my
understanding of the poster's complaint was that it was not about
experiences and opinions.... it was about people calling others names and
attempting to humiliate others.
I absolutely agree that if you ask a question, you're asking for an opinion
and take what you get.... you also have the right (and responsiblity) to
take what you like and disregard the rest.
But I think that you can answer questions and share experiences in a
respectful way or you can call people names and condemn them for asking or
relating things to the group. I think the delete key works both ways....
if you don't like a question, delete it, don't harrass someone over it. If
you don't like an answer, delete it, and accept that not everyone views the
world you do.
Either way, I think we should try to offer our experiences and opinions in
a respectful way without trying to belittle or shame the person who asked.
— mrsidknee
January 13, 2008
— Tomi D.
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