How long after a lap RNY will my belly remain swollen? Also, my back hurts too, is

this common post-op?    — jlw0423 (posted on February 28, 2007)

February 28, 2007
Hello Jodi, I didn't think to ask that question today. It'll probably be a couple of weeks because healing takes time. I had the drain removed this afternoon and do I feel 100% better. My back hurts too and I have to sit and lean back for awhile and then its okay. Maybe it'll go away.
   — the7thdean

February 28, 2007
Nadine, thanks. today is only day five for me, so I'm sure it will take some time for all that swelling to go down.
   — jlw0423

February 28, 2007
I had surgery on 2/15/ belly swelling went down about day 6-7. I still have back pain....but I had back pain prior to going into surgery so I don't think my is related to the gas/anthesia and surgery......I see my PCP in a few weeks and will bring it up to him at that time. Stay strong and keep a positive's so important! Congratulations on your new journey!
   — jammerz

February 28, 2007
Jodi, I had RNY 9Jan07. I took two weeks for the swelling to go down for me. I had a lot of fluid on board from all the IV's they pushed to work out as well. My Dr. does that so you don't de hydrate after going home. You know how it is hard to get the required liquid in at first. My back pain subsided with time as well. Congrats on your journey and Good Luck. Just take it slow and easy with each stage and you will do just fine. God Bless
   — njkbutton

February 28, 2007
Hi Jodi, and thanks for your question. It has only been five days? Congrats on your new surgery! It takes patience to heal Jodi, so just take your time. My surgeon told me to my face "If you don't feel better every day, you need to call in". Some days I felt the same or just a tad better, but every day did get better. Keep that in mind. You could be getting back pain because your kidneys might need liquid. That can cause back pain. Most obese people don't drink water, because we drink our soda or caffine or something. You could need some real water to those kidneys. Give it a try. It could take a few weeks for them to heal up and hydrate. It could also be muscle pain from the surgery. Keep an eye on it, and if you can do pelvic tilts, try them to stretch your back, that can only help you. Don't do too much too soon. I strongly believe in a good recovery, but I would encourage you to walk as soon as possible (I began walking at 2 weeks post op, and in 3 days was doing 2 miles a day, and with a few months was up to 5 miles a day). Exercise really helped my recovery and kept the water going as well. Take care, and best to you. Patricia P
   — Patricia P

March 1, 2007
I had my surgery Jan 16th. My back hurt for about 4 weeks. The docotor said thats normal. Heating pad helped alot and some pain medicine. Take care and good luck
   — barfiep01

March 1, 2007
Thanks for all the great answers. I am now at day six and feeling much better, I went out for the first time and could actually button my pants. I am not up to exercising yet. I think I might be able to go back to work at week three. I have several doctor appointments next week, but if I'm feeling better day by day, I might give it a try. Thanks again!!!!
   — jlw0423

March 1, 2007
It is different for everyone, but normal. You did not say how long it had been. A half year is a bit much for the swelling. Back pain will be normal, because as you lose weight, your weight stresses your muscles in new ways. Don't forget, this is major surgery and will take a while to heal. Make sure you get your protein, exercise (at least walk), and drink your water.
   — Novashannon

March 5, 2007
hi congrats on your sugery. i was swollen for like a week. I did have some back discomfort because i had a back injury not due to surgery. hang in there it will get better. i found that the more i kept up with my fluids the better it got. deb
   — tomboytaz8

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