I'm 5 months out and only lost 67lbs, is that good or bad?

I read other people journals and they have lost alot more. And also my weight loss seem to be going very slow. Do anybody have any suggestions?    — glennk (posted on October 12, 2006)

October 12, 2006
any type of weight loss is good; you really can't compare yourself to others. your progress/success should only be based on your own accomplishments. if you focus on others' you will find yourself depressed. you don't need that. i have a few questions... what type of surgery did you have what was your starting weight are you working out; how often take me through everything do daily; (exercise, reading, any activity)
   — creatyvyti

October 12, 2006
Think of it this way - when was the last time that you lost 67# in five months? Do not compare yourself to others. Your physical make-up is different than others. I was a light weight and had lost all my weight pretty much by the time my 1 yr surgiversary came around. I have held steady now for the last couple of years. Try shaking up your eating to lots of dense proteins, some veggies and fruits. Stay away from carbs as much as possible and empty calories from alcohol. Get your fluids in and then some. Then try changing the intensity of your exercise. Start using your clothing as your barometer as to if you are loosing inches and start tracking your inches if you have not done so. I have a little journal of all the inches lost since my surgery, when I look at it now it totally amazes me. Hope this helps. Chris
   — ChristineB

October 12, 2006
67 lbs in 5 months is great. What was your starting weight and how old are you. I am just over 2 mouths post op and have lost "only" 30 lbs. But I am a light weight and 55 years old so I think this is good. Plus slow is good but I know it is frustrating at times. Hang in there.
   — ccstann

October 12, 2006
Kar-re! You are doing fantastic!!!! I think you are right on target, considering where you started. People with higher starting BMI's may lose faster, but slow and steady wins the race too! Hang in there, get all your protein, visit your surgeon for tips and a review of what you are eating, and drink that water. You are doing very well, and I am proud of you. The thought of losing that amount of weight and keeping it off was probably very difficult before surgery. The window of weight loss opportunity can last 14 months or longer, so you still have LOTS of opportunity. Don't be discouraged! Fond regards, Pam
   — pjwilsen

October 12, 2006
Your doing wonderful, & have you ever lost that much weight before in 5 months ? .. give yourself some credit... I am 2 months post op. & finding whats normal is where i am today (ONLY TODAY) & i can not compare to anyone. In my support group I am the only one that has been hospitalized for dehydration every week. & I drink over 80-100 ounces of fluid & other people drink only 56-64.. Go figure. well best of luck.. Keep up the good work....
   — babs810

October 12, 2006
How on earth can losing 67 lbs ever be considered bad??? You need to think about how much weight that really is: pick up 67 lbs of potatoes, and you will KNOW that you lost a lot of weight! Keep up the great work ...
   — peacefuldaizy

October 13, 2006

   — aprilbaree

October 13, 2006
Thanks for sharing YOUR concern because I was wondering the same thing and found the responses from others VERY encouraging! (Hope you have too!:O) I especially liked what April said...
   — zoeysgrami

October 15, 2006
I also felt the same way as your question. I can only say that after almost 4 years, I never reached my goal, however, I am so better off than I was prior to the surgery. Best Wishes.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 15, 2006
I had my surgery May 22nd I've lost 60 lbs in total. So I know how much better I feel and I know you must feel better too. I'm patient at this point and I'm sure we will loose more as time passes. Good Luck Doreen
   — TALON

October 17, 2006
Hi, I am 5 mths out also and have lost 59 lbs. I am a bit discouraged because I have not lost any weight in the past 3 weeks. After reading many answers to this question, I find that I am not alone. I guess we will just have to keep the faith, and know that we will lose more as the weeks roll by. Good Luck
   — ctslibra

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