Hernia Repair and tt 5 years post op - how is the recovery?

I am 5 years post op and just found out I need hernia repair. I am down 185 lbs but still would like to lose another 60. My doctor said the hernia repair recovery is longer than Open RNY but I forgot to ask - how long? I was back to work in 3 weeks after by open RNY. Any thoughts or advice? Also does the tummy tuck make it a much harder recovery? My hernia is high in my abdoman. Thanks, Karen    — kkiser (posted on May 29, 2006)

May 29, 2006
You are looking at probably 6-8 weeks of recovery time for the hernia repair. Scar tissue may make the surgery a little slower as the surgeon will need to work through possible adhesions internally from the RNY and tummy tuck. You will not be able to do any lifting for a few weeks as you want the stomach muscles to stay healed. I wish you the best of luck with your surgery and recovery. Shelly
   — scharlier

May 29, 2006
I had a small hernia, and went back to work in a couple of days. I guess it depends how big it is and where. good luck
   — Steve Cohen

May 29, 2006
Dear Karen, I'm 14 months post op and I've had comming up on 3 hernia surgeries, it takes about 8 to 10 weeks to recover and then another year at least before the muscles heal fully. Hernia surgery is , in my opinion, very painful. My first two were done open and on the 6th of June they're going to try to go in through my belly button but aren't sure and might have to open me up again because of the scar factor. Good luck with your surgery. Karyn
   — Zimpo

June 14, 2006
I was off 5 weeks for my hernia repair and 4 weeks for the panniculectomy. having them together should not increase the time off.
   — catleth

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