Will medicare pay for a "tummy tuck"?

I have medicare because of a disability and I was wondering if medicare would pay for the "tummy tuck". I had WLS four years ago, and does anyone know what I would need to show them that I really need this done.    — tatterpuddin (posted on February 10, 2006)

February 10, 2006
This questions has been asked several times, you need to go to the Plastic Surgery Message Board and read the old post, you will find alot of information requarding Medicare. But, short to the point, Medicare will not approve or disapprove any surgery. With that said most plastic surgeons will not even look at you. Some will require payment up front, and then wait for some payment to come in from Medicare. Your best bet is if you have a secondary insurance that will approve a tt. I have Medicare for my primary insurance and Tricare (military) for my secondary insurance, and Tricare approved all my reconstructive surgeries, so the ps was more than willing to do my surgeries. Now Medicare paid there portion on Part A and Part B, but Tricare picked up the rest of the cost, so my breast reduction, tt w/hernia repair was 100% covered for me. If all you have is Medicare, the hardest part will be finding a ps that will except that insurance only. The answer to your questions is not simple, but, yes Medicare will pay if it is medically necessary, but be ready to pay, because again, they will not pre-approve any surgery.
   — cindy

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