How do you all deal with very bad insomnia?

Hello my name is Dee, I live in Washington, DC. I would like any suggestions on what can help me sleep. I had my GBS in 2005, and stiil having GI problems, along with the insomnia. I have been on a number of presribed sleep med, and now none of them work. I can go 2 -3 days with no sleep, and I am fustrated and mad. Thank you all for any insight on this matter. Dee Shuler    — dshuler (posted on August 29, 2010)

August 29, 2010
Hi, I was thinking... cut out all caffine! I had GBS 12/09 and have no issues with sleep or GI upset. I'm just thinking of ideas for you... if you are having GI issues you need to have that checked out and find out why. Good Luck Debbie
   — fortywhat2

August 29, 2010
hi! sorry to hear this.I had rny back in june of 08 and have heard several complain of this. I sleep 3-5 hours a night~ have too much energy!! But i also attribute some of mine to peri menopause..many friends of mine who went trhu it said they all suffered from insomnia suggested..Melatonin and Valarien (all natural)ask at your local health food of luck!! hugs n God Bless, Kim
   — gpcmist

August 30, 2010
I use Melatonin and it helps a great deal - use the dissolve in your mouth ones... Sheri
   — sheri139

September 1, 2010
Thank You All for your help and information. It helps alot to be able to get info from someone who has had the same issues, and not from someone who is guessing at the solution. May God Bless You All. Happy Labor Day to all. Dee Shuler
   — dshuler

September 2, 2010
Dee: Have you tried a simple dose of Melatonin? It is an ALL NATURAL supplement found in Wal*Mart, GNC and your basic health food emporiums. Melatonin is something our own bodies produce although in women, specifically, there tends to be a lower production rate of this as we age. Melatonin works in your body like blood fuels the heart; in that with the proper amounts you balance your circadian rhythms. It comes in 3-mg. tablets and I know it's safe to use even in children as young as 3 (my now 10-yo has been taking it for that long herself). Because it's a supplement and not a pharmacuetical grade "medicine" it certainly cannot hurt you in any way!
   — momeego

September 3, 2010
I am so glad that I found this question! I had the surgery in 2002. I never had any problems with insomnia until I went through the period where I lost some of my hair a few months after the surgery. I haven't lost any hair for years, but I still have insomnia and have to take medications for this. The problem is that I still have sleeping problems. I am going to try the Melatonin.
   — thewhiteorchid

September 3, 2010
Hi Dee. I really feel for you can totally understand how you feel. I am a little over 10 years post-op GBS and have horrible insomnia too. I am on three different sleep meds which I rotate so I don't develop too much of a tolerance to but I have developed some. Melatonin is good stuff and it is inexpensive and easy to find (Wal-Mart of any drug store) so I definitely recommend giving it a try. Valerian is something some people swear by but it didn't do much for me. For me, I couldn't get past the smell of it. Taking a couple of Benedryl is another option Take the Benedryl rather than buy a sleep aid that is diphenhydramine as it is the same ingredient but more expensive if packaged as a sleep aid. Have a look at what elements are considered good sleep hygeine on the net and make sure you don't have any habits that can be making the problem worse. I hope something I say helps. As I said, I know how it is. The fact that I am sitting up at two in the morning replying to this speaks volumes ROFL!!! Good luck and sweet dreams.
   — Kellye C.

September 6, 2010
Stop Caffeine intake very early day. Meditation and Tea. I have the same problem since 15.
   — B_igbodybenz100

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