Has anyone had any problems with yeast in mouth or vagina after surgery.

I have taken medication to get rid of the yeast and had a mouth rinse but it just seems to keep coming back.    — mtitus (posted on July 30, 2010)

July 30, 2010
Mary- I had a similiar problem. A few weeks out I developed a yeast infection. I can not take monistat, but to get rid of it I just bath in baking soda twice a day. That got rid of it.
   — md131s

July 30, 2010
The antibiotics caused me to get a yeast infection in my mouth. My doc prescribed Nystatin that you swish in your mouth and then swallow.
   — Janell C.

July 30, 2010
I got thrush too, to think of it, I didn't get a yeast infection vaginally, thank God.
   — FSUMom

July 30, 2010
I got Thrush (mouth) and Vaginal yeast the second week after surgery, I used monistat and prescription nystatin swish and spit. I also started taking acephadopholis chewable tablets (bought at cvs drug store). Within a week of using all three my yeast was gone. Good Luck
   — fortywhat2

July 30, 2010
Were you tested to make sure if it is a yeast infection? I thought I had one, but I was on antibiotics for a while and my doctor told me to take probiotics everyday. It aids in digestion by supplying you body with the good bacteria that it needs. I continued to take it as it keeps my systems regulated. As with any medications or supplements ok it with your doctor or nutritionist.
   — dowens67

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