How many???????

Are their any older people out their getting RNY surgery this month or soon.? Anyone with cardiac problems and COPD or anemia? Anyone have these problems and already had the surgery? Starting to get nervous. I suppose this is normal. I am still looking forward to having this surgery done. Just like to hear what you have to say.    — cuppaloopy (posted on December 13, 2009)

December 13, 2009
I can't specifically answer this question, but I notice you post under Q&A an awful lot. Have you ever considered posting your question in the real forums? You may get many more helpful responses there. Here is the link:,messageboard/board_id,5465/ - consider posting here, you will get m ore responses from the boards than on Q&A!
   — Jennifer F.

December 13, 2009
I have not had surgery as of yet but I am on The 30th of this month. I have CHF and my surgeon does not see any reason not to do the surgery because of my heart. I have gotten clearance from my cardiologist to have the procedure so I am not worried about having this done. Anything can happen even if one has no health issues that you have posted. Just relaxe and put your trust in your surgeon.
   — lscheller

December 13, 2009
Before surgery, your surgeon should have put you through a battery of tests. My surgeon will not even meet with you until all the pre-surgery testing is completed. If there are any areas of concern, they are addressed before any surgery. Please make sure you were completely tested and advised concerning your particular health issues. I found out I had gall stones but they did not interfere with the surgery or the risks. I am 56 yrs old and 5 days post op. I have been anemic in the past but will be undergoing regular blood work to stay ahead of any problems. I have sleep apnea which hopefully will disappear as the weight disappears. Nervous is normal and so is buyer's remorse. Time will heal all wounds, especially the cuts on your belly. Best of luck as you move ahead.
   — Cynthia T.

December 13, 2009
I was 57 when i had the RNY over a year ago. I have heart disease, had a triple bypass 11 years ago, have CHF, and sometimes atrial fibrillation. I am treated for sleep apnea, hypertension, hypothyroidism, and, before the surgery, Type II diabetes. Honestly it was a bit rough immediately after surgery. They had taken me off all my meds, and my CHF got pretty bad. I was readmitted the same day I was released, and treated for 3 days for the CHF. All that said, I don't for one minute regret having the surgery. I no longer need meds for Diabetes, I can breathe and move. I have lost 120 pounds so far, and am even working out at a gym! Take everything one day at a time, follow the directions. Keep your goals in sight. Jane
   — pageturnr

December 13, 2009
I had RNY a year and a half ago. I had COPD and didn't have any problems. I am almost 62. I would definetly recommend the surgery. I feel great. Good luck. It's normal to feel a little nervous.
   — katiecakes

December 14, 2009
To the one writer my doctor did put me through all kinds of tests. I am just interested to see how other older people made out.
   — cuppaloopy

December 14, 2009
Well, I had my surgery 4 months ago and I am 58. So far I have lost 77 lbs. I am sick a lot but all my friends that used this surgeon were also sick for the first 6 months. If I could not throw up and eat better I would be 100% happy instead of 98%. Good luck!
   — FSUMom

December 14, 2009
Well first of all let me make it perfectly clear that I don't consider myself OLD, hahaha! Now, that we have that cleared up, I am 55 years young, had my surgery 5 1/2 months ago and am down 103 lbs to date. I no longer take meds for cholesterol, Type II diabetes, and am only one blood pressure pill vs. the two I was on prior to surgery. I am also down on my dosage of anti-depressants. I have had zero ..... zilch ..... problems ......... can tolerate most all foods, don't test the "dumping" and go by the rules. Good luck!
   — happypeach

December 14, 2009
I and 58 yrs old and have mild to moderate emphysema. For about the first week after RNY surgery my oxygen stats would drop very quickly upon exertion -- especially for the very first few days post-op. That is not uncommon though, even for younger people without COPD. Before surgery I had been concerned how my lungs would be affected, but there were no significant problems. I also have friends with serious heart problems who recently have underwent RNY, and came through without problems. We are all amazed how well our surgeries went. Odds are tremendously in your favor, that you will be too. God bless!
   — Janell C.

December 14, 2009
I'm considered as being quite young for the surgery but I am anemic. I was worried about my anemia afterwards but as long as you take an iron supplement you'll be fine. Good luck! :)
   — Nina15137

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