Did you have alot of extra skin hanging after your weight loss?

I weigh close to 325 pounds and am considering RNY. Do you think I will have alot of loose skin after I lose my weight?    — peaches51 (posted on September 12, 2009)

September 12, 2009
Lord Yes! Look like a shar pei. But I am much healthier and that is all tht matters.
   — bookworm

September 12, 2009
i have some... on my arms and inner thighs and my belly. my boobs are saggy and wrinkly too. but i look so much better than i did when i was 260 that i don't even care. i've got another 30 or so lbs to lose though.
   — greenpunchbuggie

September 12, 2009
OH yes..boy do I have the skin. Started at far down 130lbs and a ton of wrinkled loose hangin skin..BUT much healthier & happier. Need tube socks for boobs. One of us need to invent "skin clips" to roll up our skin and hide for us. My arms wave at people for me..but thats ok!
   — tootsie52

September 12, 2009
I weighed 360 pounds and now am 158 pounds. Oh yes there will be some skin sagging. But I don't care, I feel awesome and I wear clothes to cover it...I bet I could jump off of a building and fly, fly
   — okbuffy

September 12, 2009
Dear Julie, you will notice skin hanging fairly quickly. I'm done 74 pounds and already have lots of loose skin.My suggestion would be to start saving up to have plastic surgery to tighten skin after you lose. Sincerely, JoAnn

September 12, 2009
I weighed 369 at my highest - have lost 140 lbs - and my oh my, yes! I look like a deflated balloon - actually, several deflated balloons. I especially liked one response that they need tube socks for their boobs - so true! But I am having plastic surgery (belt lipectomy) in December! Yea! The book, arms and thighs will have to wait a little while - the stomach and butt must come first!
   — Wendy M.

September 13, 2009
Thank you everyone for your answers. I appreciate it.
   — peaches51

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