Feeling Depressed 6 weeks post-op!

I am 6 weeks out and have been feeling depressed. I need to know if this is normal or should I seek help?    — Patford (posted on August 13, 2009)

August 13, 2009
I believe its normal to feel mildly depressed after WLS. Your body has physically changed if you have had a RNY or VG , going through the new routine caring for oneself --getting your protein, vegs, fluids , vitamins & exercising and It somehow left like a loss that I couldn't eat a large amount of food. On top off all of this I had only my husband's support for the surgery..But when my weight starting dropping off...well I started to feel much better.! Go to a post-op wt loss support group. Be around positive supportive people. Let me know how your are doing. Sorry I'm rambling.
   — gay56-

August 13, 2009
I am bi-polar anyway. But I have found by watching and reading other peoples posts that alot of emotional changes occur with WLS. Let's get real. How many overweight people aren't a little depressed to begin with? I would suggest if you have insurance that will pay for it that you get councelling thru the first year at least. I did some crazy things. And had some major ups and downs during this time, after I got some therapy and got on the right meds, (not that you will need them) I began to feel better and deal with the changes in my mind and body. Now at 20 months out at goal and feeling healthy and happy! I am at peace and my body and mind are whole. TMI Good luck! Be blessed that you have had this opportunity to get yourself healthy. Not everyone can get approved and have this gift. It is a life long journey. I am so happy I chose this road. I would still be sick and tired of being sick and tired. Hugs! Lesleigh in Ga.
   — lesleigh07

August 13, 2009
I just had my RNY surgery on Monday (8/10) and Thursday was my first full day home. I was really emotional that day. I have been diagnosed with clinical depression and have been on meds for years. I was not able to take my meds for a couple days because of the surgery. So being home by myself and in pain made me very emotional. Everything seemed to make me cry yesterday. I was not trying to take my pain meds as I felt that the pain in my abdomen was something I could tolerate. But I came to realize that I really should take my meds as that is why the doctors gave them to me. So I have started taking the pain meds and also my depression meds as well. But if you are having problems of feeling down, I would seek some help. Either by seeing your family doctor or a therapist. But it is normal to feel all sorts of emotions because this is a big change to your body. I thought that after my surgery that this 2 weeks of liquids would be a piece of cake, but I really miss chewing food. And I really hate seeing food commercials. I haven't been hungry, but just the thoughts of food makes me emotional. If you need to talk, I am here, just sitting around and drinking my shakes, email me!!! Lauren
   — Lauren M.

August 14, 2009
Emotions are normal. I am usually a very "even" person but for the first couple of months I thought I was going to loose my mind. I was happier than I had ever been one minute and miserable the next. Luckely I work at a hospital so I asked around a little bit and with rapid weight loss and major surgery comes many hormonal changes. If the "feelings" last for more the 4 - 6 months or continue to get worse then see someone. My other major suggestion is to keep posting on OH and keep a journal. You may find that it is specific foods or specific situations that cause the mood changes and you can avoid that until things even out a little... You have taken a huge step to improve you life and you just need to keep at it.....
   — phyllismmay

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