Sudden episode not sure what they are, can anyone relate?
9 months out from lap RNY, lost 120 lbs, vitals are fine, sugar levels are good, blood pressure is good, blood chem is good no deficienties....I have had 4 of these weird gastric doctor thought that maybe it was reactive hypoglycemia, but the one that happened last night could not have been... These episodes have mostly hapened in a social environment...actually at a bar or out to see a band...I get tunnel vision, pale and dizzy, sometimes lose my legs, need to sit and drink water...I do not feel anxious before but during these episodes, I just want to run away...I have never had panic attacks prior to surgery and am wondering if there is some reason to be having them now... — lori042499 (posted on April 11, 2009)
April 11, 2009
your body goes through alot after RNY as you know and it could be some sort
of panic attacks. i noticed you said you were at a bar-were you drinking
alcohol? because that can most definantely cause those episodes. it does
sound like it could be your sugar dropping-mine does frequently and that is
kinda how i feel, just keep a close eye on it and try to pay attention to
what common factors the episodes possess. like keep a food log to see what
you ate/or didn't eat prior to those episodes. if it keeps on and is
bothersome you may want to talk to the doctor about something to take for
anxiety as needed to see if that helps. good luck and i hope this helps!
April 13, 2009
These are some of the symptoms I have with magnesium deficiency. It can be
really awful for me. Once I could not drive over a bridge, and had a full
blown panic attack! I had to turn around in traffic on the bridge and go
home after driving an hour to go to the shore. It's not such a nice
feeling to want to run away while driving a car! LOL (I joke now, but it
was awful, like being burried alive) I am mildly agoraphobic as well...When
my magnesium is very low (I can JUST tell), I do not even want to go
outside...Other times, I need someone to go with me or I cannot leave my
house for days or weeks... I cannot easily go to airports, malls or
concerts, heavy crowds (like you did) without having at least a mild panic
attack. My husband can tell by the look on my face if it's time to go...And
he just says "We go now!" with a wink. He's used to it... I go in
and out of magnesium deficiencies...There is not a very accurate blood mag
test either and only recently have they even found a way to test for
But the tell tale sign is the leg, foot and thigh cramps/charlie horses.
When my magnesium is very low, even my face will get locked in place in a
muscle spasm...or my hands and fingers too. It makes me absolutely insane!
I have so many symptoms that are caused by magnesium deficiencies! I get
ADD or ADHD...My head gets foggy and I feel dull and listless. Shortness in
breaths, not like being winded, but just this need to take a deep
breath...heart palpitations and racing heart for no apparent reason,
dizziness...I have to take magnesium several times daily (At least 800-1000
mg) Or it gets bad for me! If I forget to take it for just a day or two,
the symptoms start usually with muscle spasm and the other symptoms get
progressively worse over time if I don't get magnesium soon! Your episode
is one of my classic VERY low magnesium episodes. I am no doctor...I am
just sharing with you the reason I have the exact symptoms! And I am by no
means giving you a diagnosis! Just something you might discuss getting
tested since mag defs are rare (in reg, non-wls people) and docs do not
usually look at magnesium unless they have a good reason...Especially your
need to sip water...Magnesium is an electrolye and alchol can dehydrate you
as well causing an electroylte imbalance! Sometimes it's a matter of
getting water and sometimes you need magnesium and fast! I chew 2 calcium
citrate wafers by Twin Labs because it's got 250 mg's mag in 2 wafers that
go straight to my blood and all my symptoms disappear in seconds! I have to
carry them in my purse as well, just in case! I never had these problems
pre-op! Just a little anxiety now and then...but NOTHING like agoraphobia!
Or bridges (only happened once really bad, before I even knew what
magnesium even was... two other times mildly) I wish I knew why I have
chronic mag defs...I drink liquids all day long and even cut drinking any
alcohol to holidays and special events...I used to have a glass or two on
weekends with dinner...and now I'm just afraid of magnesium deficiency
symptoms...They are crazy insane! Hope you find out what's causing your
— .Anita R.
April 14, 2009
Thanks, Anita, I will have that checked...That is one item that has not
been checked yet..
— lori042499
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