Six flags rides?

hello i am post op. and in may my friends and i will be going to 6 flags adventure park. i am down to a size 20 in pants and 254 lbs. we are going in may sometime. i just wnted to know what rides like kinda ka, can i fit into if any and has anyone went and had problems getting in a ride    — vmidiri (posted on April 2, 2009)

April 2, 2009
I would like to know the answer as well as my teens want to go to the amusement parks this summer. I was reading your profile and I can so relate to you. I had my RNY surgery November 2007 and for the first month, I obeyed all the rules then in December I hit an early plateau and didn't lose a pound and so I got discouraged and stopped taking my vitamins, didn't drink all of my water, stopped exercising but continued to lose weight so I thought hey, all is good. If only I would have continued...the right way, I'm sure I would have reached my goal by now but I can't go back so I am back on track. I am taking my vitamins again...I'm taking more pills now than I did before I had the surgery, ha and I'm exercising, I do a 2 mile walk along with Richard Simmons Sweatin to the Oldies and it works for me. My kids and I also walk at the local park trails usually 1-2 miles each stint. They have a 4 mile trail that we are going to take on by the end of the month...that is my goal, I know I can do it. So I just wanted you to know that you are not alone, some of us go through this...rebellion as I call it, smile, but we have to get back on track. The funny thing for me is that when I wasn't taking my vitamins and returned to my doctor for blood work, all of my numbers were up and I was doing fine, I was like, hmmm, how can that be but so grateful that I didn't do any damage to my body. So keep your head up, you too can get through this. Sometimes I think, well, I have this tool for my stomach but where is the tool for my brain that tells me what I should be doing? But it's up to me and I am so glad I had the surgery...sometimes I wish I could just have one day where I could eat anything I wanted...that's when I question where that tool is for my brain, smile. I started out at 374 and am down to 234, my personal goal is 199 as I know I will never be skinny, my whole family is big so I figure if I go below that number that will be good but not gonna put too much pressure on myself, my doctor gave me a goal of 170-190 so I'll be good with that. Whew, sorry to write so much, if you ever need to vent or just talk, hit me up. Have a wonderful and blessed day.
   — PAWLLA L.

April 3, 2009
I think you might be alright. I think the weight limit is 300 lbs and you're well below that.
   — Kathleen W.

April 3, 2009
At size 20 you'll probably find that you can just fit in most rides, but locking the safety bar across your lap may be tricky on some. Have fun! Janell
   — Janell C.

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