
I have a lot of clothes for sale cheap where do I let people know about this after my surgery my clothes are fallen off me I need to sell them in order to buy new ones that fit. [email protected] Holland Mi .25,. some still have tags on them thank you LISA MILLER    — lmiller9840 (posted on March 22, 2009)

March 22, 2009
   — .Anita R.

March 22, 2009
The website on here specifically says no selling. I'm looking for a place too. I did find a local consignment store but they seem to be going out of business. Maybe there is one in your area. Good luck.
   — Sinbad1969

March 22, 2009
You might try for you city. It's free to post and I've sold a ton of items on there,,,, not clothing though, so not sure how well that will sell. At least being free to post you have nothing to lose!
   — Libby R.

March 22, 2009
The OH exchange may be an option for you since you can pick some that are the size you are currently at if you are still loosing this will keep you from buying new items over and over.
   — phyllismmay

March 22, 2009
Thank you everyone I had no idea I can't post the clothes for sale.I do have a ad on craigslist but nothing is happening. Thank you Lisa
   — lmiller9840

March 22, 2009
I post on eBay my old clothes that I no longer can wear. Though they charge fees, it beats having them siting in my way and gives others a cheap way to buy clothes they may not be able to afford. it's tedious work - take pictures, fill out forms and descriptions - but it works for me. I go through and get the best ones and then take the other - not-so-great-ones - to Goodwill. I'll have to look into OH though.
   — Ambria

April 9, 2009
Hi-I am interested in purchasing some clothes
   — daquiri3344

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