Am I going to have to reschedule

Hey am scheduled for march 5 and today I woke up sick my voice is gone n my throat hurts what should I do help I have been in this process for over a year now i hope I don't have to reschedule    — tamica D. (posted on March 3, 2009)

March 3, 2009
Yes! You will probably have to...You really do not want to have surgery if you are sick...There could be anesthesia complications...and if you have a virus or infection that could be huge complications...Don't risk that...Tell your surgeon and let him decide what to do! Most will not operate even if you just have sniffles. Mine told me to take Zicam spray starting two weeks before surgery just to avoid any cold! I'm not joking!
   — .Anita R.

March 3, 2009
Call you surgeon's office. This happened to me - I woke up two days before surgery with a slight core throat and sniffles. The WLS clinic told me to see my primary dr and she decided it was an allergy, gave me an antibiotic and nasal spray and I was cleared for my scheduled surgery. Whatever, you don't want surgery if you're sick. The anasthesia could harm you.
   — Muggs

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