is it possible for someone that has had sugery have it done again???

   — scorpiozprincess (posted on December 15, 2008)

December 15, 2008
It depends on what you are looking for. Many people go back for what is called a "Revision." This is when they get a DIFFERENT TYPE of weight loss surgery because the FIRST TYPE isn't WORKING for them. Some people who get the Gastric Bypass will get a BANDED Gastric Bypass, for example. Other people who have had the LAP BAND, (and this is more COMMON) get the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy or the Duodenal Switch due to the damage done to their stomach due to the BAND. On some occasions the doctors have been FORCED to give banded patients the Vertical Sleeve because there simply wasn't enough LEFT of the stomach to do anything ELSE. Some Gastric Bypass bypass patients have converted to the Vertical Sleeve or the Duodenal Switch, but it is impossible to convert from the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy or the Duodenal Switch to a Gastric Bypass. The reason for this is that about 80 to 85% of the stomach is removed in both procedures. In the Gastric Bypass, the stomach is simply cut to create a POUCH. Since there is so much LESS stomach to WORK with, there is no way to make a Gastric Bypass from what is left of the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. The Duodenal Switch is basically a CROSS between the two procedures ANYWAY, so I do not see why anyone would WANT to. If you HAD the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, and you WANTED the Gastric BYPASS, the LOGICAL thing to do would be to get the Duodenal Switch revision done instead. There are OTHER things that can be done now for people seeking help with their surgery depending on what they had, and where they are willing to go. If you have had a Gastric Bypass, there is a new product called Stomaphyx out. It is basically a NEW way to staple stomach pouches from INSIDE the stomach without the use of SURGERY! You can read about it HERE: . You can also read about the various weight loss surgical options available currently at my profile page HERE: . Look for my blog entry titled "Surgical Comparisons" in the March 2008 Archives.
   — hubarlow

December 15, 2008
You can have a subsequent surgery but unless you have regained a massive amount of weight again(100+) pounds; then normally surgeons don't do the same procedure twice. Obviously the first surgery worked for a time and then some weight was regained. Stomacphyx is not for everyone either. I would consult a doctor; specifically a GI doctor and consider what they advise; that is their job. And if you have need further surgery; I would suggest the duodenal or something more lasting that you can tolerate. vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

December 15, 2008
Yes it is called a revision, I have a friend that had it done last week.
   — humper

December 16, 2008
Go see a bariatric surgeon. They will review your particular case and let you know what is possible for you. Many people that had surgery 10 to 15 years ago have had new surgery recently, so I know it is possible.
   — cydthekid50

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