numbness in right leg

I have been having numbness in my right leg from my but cheek down to my toes for a few days and now today it is starting to go into my arm, it feels like its frozen and tingling. Just wondering if anyone has had these symptoms and can tell me whatg it might be. I am post op rny june of 07 and have lost 125lbs. Waiting for the dr. to call back    — acalderilla (posted on December 5, 2008)

December 5, 2008
nerve impengement. you could have the start of anti inflammatories
   — blueyes711

December 5, 2008
If you post RNY anti-inflamatories are to be avoided. I would suggest a visit to your MD not a phone call. He cant examine you over the phone
   — urbrat2

December 5, 2008
If you post RNY anti-inflamatories are to be avoided. I would suggest a visit to your MD not a phone call. He cant examine you over the phone
   — urbrat2

December 5, 2008
i had rny 3/04 and have the same numbness as you mention. now both hands, fingers, and i am told it can happen because of inadequate vitamin-mineral intake. i agree, but even with normal blood chem's i have discovered its more common than not- and frankly i hate it. numbness includes burning pain and tingling. its going on 5 years and there has been no change. i have lost 230 lbs. Cindi
   — DollyDoodles

December 5, 2008
I would recomend a consult to a neurologist. I had numbness on my left leg for months but it went away and at no point did it radiate to my arm or any other body part. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

December 5, 2008
Vitamin B12? The RN who leads our support group has said that B12 is important in keeping the numbness and tingling away. I'd ask your MD, however.
   — dadebrito

December 6, 2008
I would either get a same day emergency appointment with my doctor or go to an urgent care center or emergency room.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 6, 2008
I would definitely GO to your DOCTOR. B12 might be an answer but I would definitely listen to my docs. Primary care, surgeon and any referrals. vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

December 8, 2008
wow I thought it was just me.. I kept telling my nurses and they said it was because I was in bed too long... I have my follow up appt. with my Surgeon in a few days and I am definitely going too tell him about it.. i thought this numbness would go away. its just on my right thigh it doesn't hurt unless I move all of a sudden but it is definitely annoying and uncomfortable.
   — alfonso S.

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