age 66 related to type of surgery

iam 66 which should i have    — ssellis (posted on April 29, 2008)

April 29, 2008
Age plays a part certainly, and in some instances insurers and doctors have age cut offs. Regardless of that you should have the surgery that most meets your needs. Research all types: Lap-Band, DS, VSG, RNY. Your surgery should depend on overall health, BMI, and desired outcome. Did I mention research? If not, please research all types. Best of luck
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 29, 2008
I am 61 (I'll be 62 in a few days) and I had RNY on Dec. 10th. I think the type of surgery depends on your health issues and the amount you have to loose. I have heard that if you have over 100 lbs. RNY is best. I personally need to loose about 150 lbs. I am down 77 lbs. as of today and am satisfied with my progress. C. Garber
   — Caroline Garber

April 29, 2008
The type of surgery is completely up to you, your family, your surgeon and your overall health and goals. Please thoroughly research all and decide which is the right one for you. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC
   — DawnVic

April 29, 2008
I was 64 when I had my rny and lost 150 pounds, I only regret I did not get it sooner. Im stuck at 202 but still better than 350. the surgery changed my life. I did live in alabama at the time and the cut off was age 65 then. I say Go for it if you can.
   — sybiliowa

April 30, 2008
I just turned 66 on April 18 and had my RNY surgery on March 31. I had intended to do the Lap until I went to the seminar and learned that it can take a while to get the band at just the right amount. Too, I couldn't stand the thought of having to run to my doctor for fills (he is 150 miles from me). The RNY has been wonderful for me but as others have said it should be an individual decision based on your on body. Even though I haven't had as much to lose as some, I still felt RNY was my best option.
   — ShirleyF

April 30, 2008
Sandra, you should have books from the library, and ton of internet research and some serious soul searching. You will get the right answer for you. To ask a question like this on line can be dangerous for you. There are too many questions that only you have the answer to. Health history, ability to heal from surgery, current co-morbitities, family support, financial decisions, complication issues. I bought a book from a person who had wls surgery and then another book from a surgeons perspective. They were both very helpful in different ways. My only advice to you is this. I had a friend who was 60 when she had her wls, she had the lap gastric bypass (rny), and did very well. But age plays a part in the recovery and at some point she was doing things that caused her to have a back injury. As you lose weight, you have to remember that you are 66, not 26 and take care of your body accordingly. This back injury stunted her weight loss and has been a problem for her ever since. Remember your age in your activity as you lose weight. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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