Burpie Urpie & Chest Pain (Dilation?)

(2 weeks since my RNY) -- Well I had an esophogram today (oh my gosh was that awful! that stuff they make you drink is like POISON). They said that the entry into my stomach is small and may need to be dilated later. They won't do it now because it needs to heal better or it could tear. And it could get better and I may not need it. He said that 10% of patients have to have dilation. This urpie burpie pain just sucks sooooo bad, gas-x doesn't help it, and doc says just to "tough it out" for another week or two and see how it goes. Has anyone else had to have dilation or had this issue heal itself? Thanks so much!!!    — Fluffee (posted on April 3, 2008)

April 3, 2008
are we talking about a stricture? If so, I had that and had to have a dialation done at about 4 weeks after my surgery. The stricture is due to scar tissue. I couldn't hold anything down except liquid...nothing solid; so surgeon decided i needed to visit the GI doc and he did the dialation. that was it. if i'm wayoff base here with your question, i apologize....
   — hatda

April 3, 2008
Two weeks I felt like crap. I think if your doc wants to wait you should weight. I had that test the day after surgery while I was still in thehospital. Most of the people that have the opening streched are ones that were throwing up and could get nothing down for a week or two. While the pain is not great, try to get some rest and think about better times to come when you are getting a lot slimmer and having to buy new clothes. If you don't find someone that had the dialation, I will get someone to contact you that had it if your drop me a note tomorrow. Best of sucess to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 3, 2008
Tarra, My name is Donna and I read your post and wanted to send you words of encouragement. I am 4 yrs post-op and had difficulty in the beginning with strictures. I was dialized 3 weeks out then again 3 months out and once more at a year. Its very painful when thisonsets but you have immediate relief with the dialization. I found when it hurt the most if you drink hot tea as hot as you can stand it it does soothe it. There was one occasion I couldnt even drink so it may not help if your that restricted. But keep your chin up its not a permanant thing and in the last 3 years I havent had a problem. Donna
   — Donna Mehl

April 4, 2008
My best friend had this due to a stricture. Once she had the entry stretched it eventually resolved, but it was really rough for her until it was resolved. She is on here also if you want to talk with her. Her name is angelrn863
   — dedec

April 6, 2008
Hi, I am ten weeks post op and am having the same problem. My surgeon feels the entry is too small, I am going for EGD in the morning and hopefully they will dilate and be able to fix this. I have not ate and kept anything solid down in months. Is is rough.

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