Have had spleen, 80% of pancreas and gallbladder removed Am I candidate?

Had surgery to remove spleen and 80% pancreas removed due to unknown cause. Spleen was calcified and pancreas digesting itself. Gallbladder removed to prevent other issues from developing. Have struggled with weight loss all my life. Currently weigh 214lbs. 5'5.5" Non type specific diabetic,high blood pressure,high chloresterol, anxiety/depression Would this be qualifiers for lapband surgery?    — Tagimiko8244 (posted on February 15, 2008)

February 14, 2008
You should discuss your options with a bariatric surgeon. Have you considered the DS? Check out the forum on OH or go to Good luck!!!
   — SameButDifferent

February 14, 2008
Check with your gp doctor and your insurance company first. They'll tell you if the lap band is covered. Some insurance companies (like mine) won't do the lap band, only the RNY as a weight reduction surgery. You may have enough health issues to qualify for RNY, or lap band, depending on what your health insurance is willing to pay for. Dave
   — Dave Chambers

February 15, 2008
you have to be 100 pounds over weight and have some co morbities or 100 pounds over weight with bmi of over 35 I think one or the other. I sounds like the first one would be you maybe. You would have to see what your current healthy weight is suppose to be.
   — tl_morgan

February 16, 2008
I'm 5'6" (just barely taller) and my 'healthy weight range' according to BMI charts is 114-147. I'm actually here because a friend had gastric bypass, but out of curiosity I looked into the major qualifiers for lapband surgery and theirs is still the 100lbs over weight. Which unfortunetly for us only puts us about 70 lbs overweight for the top of the health range. For me thankfully I don't have any other qualifiers, but since have the other medical issue I would definitely talk to your doctor and insurance and see what they can do to help you out. My friend who had surgery didn't have the weight (she was also only about 70 overweight) but she had other medical issues that were definitely compounded by the extra weight so she got approved. It may be more of a challenge to get approved but is definitely worth the shot.
   — USNavyProde

February 16, 2008
Hi Catherine! I had lapband surgery in June 07, started out at 226# at 5'5". I am now 166#. I was what the doctors call a light weight, meaning I didn't have 100# to lose. I did however have hypertension and high cholesterol, which they consider co-morbidities. I am now off blood pressure meds and cholesterol is coming down without meds. I chose lap band because it was less invasive and quicker recovery time. I have had no problems and am quite happy with the results. Gone from a size 22 jeans to a size 12 so far. My Dr. wants me to lose about 30# more. Good luck to you. Nancy
   — nancyann1957

February 16, 2008
I am scheduled for Lap-Band Surgery next month. Even though I didn't have any problems meeting the qualification weight in at just under 400lbs, I do know what the requirements are. It is all about BMI, which is a number calculated based on your height and weight. Based on the info you posted, your BMI is 35.6. With a BMI of over 35 and Diabetes you do qualify for Lap-band surgery.... If you did not have the diabetes you would need to have a BMI of 40 which for you is approximately 260lbs. So yes you should schedule a consult with a good surgeon in your area. Good Luck on your journey!!!
   — Rachelena

February 16, 2008
Check for a seargeon in your area by calling the local hospitals and asking how is their Baratric specialest and do they have seminars. I would attend several if you can and ask each for their feedback on your condition.
   — William (Bill) wmil

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