Having trouble keeping off the scale

almost 5 months out from gastric bypass and I only lost 65 pounds. I eat enough protein and I work out 4 times a week. I feel like I should be down more by now. Any one else having these issues and does anyone know what the amount of pounds I should be at by now... please help I go on the scale everytime I go to the bathroom...    — dawnraad (posted on February 8, 2008)

February 8, 2008
Dawn, You are right on track for losing weight. Gastric Bypass patients lose about 10-12 lbs per month on average. As far as the scale is concerned...have your kids or spouse hide the scale on you. It worked for me and I was able to lose more. :) Karen
   — Karen M.

February 8, 2008
Ok, so first of all, stop weighing yourself so much. You're not doing yourself any favors. Your weight loss is pretty much where it ought to be and 65 pounds is a LOT for anyone. So stop beating yourself up. YOU'RE DOING GREAT. Put the scale away and enjoy the new body you're crafting.
   — Shirley D.

February 8, 2008
yep, i agree with the ladies! i too wanted to weigh all the time. and would get discouraged, so i stopped. i will be 3 mo. out on the 26th. and i'm down 64 lbs. i had to take a double look. but i only weigh now every other week. hang in there, be patient, this is a tool, so take care of it. you will find as you become more active with your new body, soon you will forget all about weighing yourself!! good luck :)
   — kimcrain

February 8, 2008
EVERYONE LOSES AT DIFFERENT RATES!!!!!!!!! you seem to be on the right track, but the best person to tell you how you are doing is your surgeon and they will let you know at your checkups if your progress is good or if you need to change something. stop stressing!!!! good luck and keep up the great work!! Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

February 8, 2008
There is no set formula for how much weight you should loose at any specific time interval. 65 pounds sound OK to me, what does your doctor say?? My sureon tells his patients if they're "on track", loosing to much, or not enough.
   — Dave Chambers

February 8, 2008
everyone loses at a different arte. Ia m 8 months post-op and have lost 90 pounds. As far as the scale never weight yourself more then once a week!!!!! Hide that scale my husband had to for me in the beginning, but now I am able to stay off of it except on a monday morning (truth Time) LOL Best of luck
   — Alvernlaw

February 8, 2008
You are doing just fine. So many people come here thinking it was going to be super fast, and that they should be losing more...But you have to remember that your body is trying to keep itself from starving...It has no idea that this is what YOU want...and it's job is to try to keep you alive. With that in mind, you lost a medium size child in 5 MONTHS!!! Give yourself a pat on the back. Most people lose 100 lbs average. (IN A YEAR OR TWO) You have lost more than half of that in less than a 1/2 a year...In a are going to be sooooo happy. Yes, you are doing GREAT! Be patient...You will slow down...but you will continue to lose as long as you follow things as your doctor told you. Be patient...the more you lose...the easier it is to see the difference...5 lbs on 300lbs of person can mean the difference of a glass of water...On a smaller person, it's about a 1/2 a size! Remember that too!
   — .Anita R.

February 8, 2008
Do not get discouraged. Everyone loses weight differently and it depends on age. If you stress on it you won't lose. Also if you are exercising that much you probably are gaining muscle which weighs more then fat. You are on track, it also depends on age again. Older you are the harder it is to lose and remember that it takes a normal person forever to lose 65 pounds. so don't get discouraged.
   — tl_morgan

February 8, 2008
Hello, I had gastric bypass on 09/04/07 I too get on the scale every time I go in there. I have lost 58lb so far. One minute I weight 229lb and the next day I weight 237lb Then I weight again and it said 230. I put my scale up today I will weigh in every other week. Hide the scale and enjoy life.
   — aluvzu2

February 8, 2008
I had gastric bypass 12/16/02 I can tell you I was on my own after my surgery. I was constantly on the scale. I finally realized it was not the pounds that matter. It was how my clothes were fitting and how I was feeling. Keep up the good work and stay off of the scale. I threw my scale away. I had to mentally get past the pound issue. Muscle weighs more than fat. As long as your clothes fit better and you feel better forget the pounds.
   — pj_madden1969

February 8, 2008
I say your doing great . And i should mention you arfe doing way more better then myself. I too had the Rny.I'm 1yr out ans I only lost 48 lbs. so your doing very great. I am the one who is struggling here not losing weight . would you rather be in my shoes or your. keep up the good work. 65 lb in 5 months is a lot.
   — yvettetas

February 8, 2008
OK, here is a totally different view. I confess, I weigh myself every day, sometimes twice a day. Before everyone lines up to shoot me let me explain. When I weighed over 300 I had not been near a scale in years. When I started thinking about WLS I was shocked to see I was over 300. After the surgery I weighed every day and admit I did get nervous when I didn't lose. When I got to a weight I liked I stopped getting on the scale. Around the same time I started having pain and pressure in my stomach. It seemed to go away when I ate something. I knew I was gaining, had to dig out some bigger clothes. I went in for tests and had gained 40 pounds. To make a long story short, I know, too late, I had a fistula and staple line disruption. Maybe if I had kept weighing myself everyday it wouldn't have gone on so long. I had a revision and repair on 12/31, and have weighed myself every day since and will continue to do so.
   — Tawnda C.

February 8, 2008
RNY works different on different people. Take the total weight you were loosing to your goal or where you want to be at the end and divid it by 16. That is the average weight loss for a normal person per month with an RNY. There are some super stars that loose it all in 12 months but overall 18 months is not uncommon.
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 9, 2008
Goodness...all you have to do is do it again...and in a period of 10 mos time you will be down 130 pounds. Look at the long term...not the day by day. The big numbers sneak up on you....a watched scale is just frustrating! Think of where you'll be in another 5 months time! Regards~
   — Statuesque

February 9, 2008
Hi Dawn, thanks for writing. Let me see, for your height and weight, and body size, I would say, well at 5 months you should be at, well maybe, ummmmm 65 pounds lost! Wow, right on track! Dawn, I don't mean to be funny, but you are doing just fine. Some lose very slow, but you are not losing slow at all, even though it is not at the pace of a speeding bullet. Now, regarding the scale. Let me scare you a little. You are setting yourself for either binging/purging later on, or anorexia later on, just the opposite of obesity. Weigh once a week, and put that scale up otherwise. It is not the story of your life, it is just a scale. You have to learn patience with weight loss and your food intake and body adjustments. If you don't force yourself to practice patience, you will either regain weight or set yourself to be obscessive about weight loss. Both things are bad. Get your head on straight and make a good decision for yourself about how often you will get on the scale, and then keep to it. I weighed once a week, same day, each week for one year. I am 4 years out now, and unless my clothing feel tight or loose, I don't get on the scale unless I see the doctor for something. I have kept it that way for the past 3 years, and it works very well for me. You pick what works for you, and go for it! Take care. Patricia P. By the way, I have kept my weight off for 4 years with this system, it works great for me. Take care.
   — Patricia P

February 10, 2008
Dawn your first mistake is getting on the scale like that. Do it once a week. I lost about 80LBs in 6 months and I had gastric bypass. Your doing fine. Stay off that scale
   — Joanc

February 16, 2008
I had my surgery in 04. I have learned not to weigh myself too much because if I havn't lost any weight one week, I don't want to make myself feel like I have done something wrong. As for how much you should have lost by now, that depends on each individual person's body. No two people are going to lose at the same rate. But remember, there is always someone here to help you along the way. None of us are alone, anymore in our fight to lose weight. Keep up the good work along with a positive attitude and you will be just fine. Hope this helps in some small way. I know it helped me when I was first starting out. Good luck!
   — kankan

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