Why am I losing so much hair?
I am six months out from having lap band and it seems like the last month or so I have been losing too much hair, in the shower even just brushing before bed and through out the day when I run my fingers through it. What is going on? — annicole (posted on January 5, 2008)
January 5, 2008
Michele, this will happen. Make sure you get in ALL of your protein shakes
and vitamins. VERY IMPORTANT!!! This will help. Use a protein based shampoo
as well. Best Wishes,
— MCraig3
January 5, 2008
I am lossing mine too. My hair is the best part of me lol. If I drink 2
unjurys I dont loss to much but when I do not take them I get about 20 to
30 pieces of hair every day. My hair is THIN now. I guess its just part of
this gastric bypass.
— aluvzu2
January 5, 2008
Your surgeon should have told you about this possiliby. It's not the RNY or
lap band surgery that's directly causing the problem--any surgery is a
trauma to the body, and possible hair loss is a result. Take Biotin,
multiple RDA doses for the next few months. Also there are medicated
shampoos (although not cheap) that can help with the hair loss.
— Dave Chambers
January 5, 2008
Mine did it as well. You have to get the protein in. That is the key. As
soon as I got on track with my protein intake it slowly started to stop.
Most of the time this happens between 4-6 months out. Lapband is what I
had. Good luck, you may also want to try Nioxin shampoo. A bit costly but
it is good stuff.
— Babbles
January 5, 2008
your body is lacking in protein -- protein makes up hair -- i'm sure your
fingernails are getting soft also -- up the protein --it's the only thing
that will help -- there are no miracle cures for hair loss -- good luck
— RCassety
January 6, 2008
I had a hysterectomy in 2006. I was told that at 6 months I would start to
lose some hair. It is a combination of the anesthesia and the trauma of
surgery. The anesthesia is nothing more than controlled poison in your
system. Six months after my RNY I had the same result, but it has gone
away with vitamins and increased protein intake. Good luck!
— Debbi S.
January 6, 2008
I had the same thing happen. I have always had very thick hair so this was
had to handle however I am now 22 m out and the hair loss has stopped, my
hair is getting back to normal. I have had hair loss with every surgery I
have had how ever it was much worse with this surgery. Still very worth
the surgery I did hair wigs and such to make me feel better. I bought some
that were resonable at a local salon supply store. Now my daughter uses
them to do different things with her hair.
— gillis1345
January 6, 2008
I am only a little over two weeks out from my surgery but my pre testing
from my surgeon and nutritionist said some hair loss may occur due to
protein deficiency in the system. Prior to my surgery I took a vitamin for
hair,nail and skin(not sure if I can take it now), to try and get it built
up in my system. However my nutritionist also had told me that inaddition
to my intake of my protein and daily vitamins that Zinc will help in hair
loss deficiency. Maybe consult your doctor and/or nutritionist to see if
there is something missing from your multivitamin.
— iwilllose
January 6, 2008
I went through major hair loss at 4 months and it was devastating. I had
thick hair and tons of it...face it when you weigh 350 you find something
else to be anal about. Well my hair came out in clumps and it made me kept falling out for three months or so...I took biotin..used the
special shampoo, ate tons of protein...and basically found out it is your
bodys reaction to a major change...I have cut my hair short and now it is
coming back in again but it has taken a LONG time. Just be nice to your
hair and just remember it is going to take time for it to come back in.
— Shannon M.
January 7, 2008
I used to have very long, very thick hair, and around 3-4 months it all
fell out, its short and thin, and it hasn't come back and I'm almost a year
out. I also don't get much protein though. I just went for hair
extensions. They cost about a grand, but well worth it in my opinion, as I
am incredibly ashamed of my thin hair.
— wecangetright
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