I've been bruising easily, is something wrong?

I had lap RNY over 3 months ago and recently I've started to bruise easily. I am generally not a person who gets bruises, so I am concerned. Am I missing something in my diet that is causing me to bruise more now. I take my calcium and my multivitamins. I just want to know if I should worry and if there is anything I should do. Thanks!    — posprudence (posted on April 19, 2007)

April 19, 2007
If you are no longer taking blood thinner meds, then calling the doctor would be the first thing I would do. Diane
   — Diane C.

April 19, 2007
Hi Cassandra, you need to get blood work done. I became extremely anemic with a Vitamin B deficiency. When I finally went to the doctor I had 37 bruises on my right leg and 29 bruises on my left leg along with numerous bruises on the rest of my body. Doc literally called it "spontaneous spotted bruising". Now I have to take Iron, B-12, B-Complex, Calcium, and a Pre-Natal Vitamin daily. But I also get my blood work done every six months and the Vitamin B and Iron dosages are often changed.
   — JGDugar

April 19, 2007
Sounds like you have a low platelet count. This can be detected on a CBC (complete blood count). This could be a sign of pernicious anemia which is caused by vitamin B12 deficiency and can be serious if left untreated, as in addition to blood production, our bodies need B12 for healthy nerves., so go to your doctor immediately and get some blood tests... don't wait, okay??? good luck to you....
   — Kari_K

April 20, 2007
I have the sam problem and after numerous tests of everthing possiable my scoresremain within the name yet I still bruise easily. I have recently been taking a GNC B 12 liquis supplement and it has been doing wonders. It must be taken daily though one missed dose and the brusing starts again. Also make sure you never skip your vitamin regimen for this can also account for brusing I have found.
   — Tammy C.

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