Has anyone ever

Hello, I had my surgery on March 9th, rny. I have noticed that when I lay on my left side, i have to have a pillow under my chest area, otherwise it feels as if my chest is falling out. Has anyone else had this and why do we have that feeling?    — missyheffelfinger (posted on April 7, 2007)

April 7, 2007
Not exactly, but close. Most everytime I lie on my left side....I have some sort of discomfort, esp. if I have eaten recently. I used a pillow for a long time after surgery. I had lap/rny on 2/15/07.
   — jammerz

April 7, 2007
Missy, It is because most of the work that was done is on the left. I had my RNY on May 30, 2006 and if I ever feel discomfornt I lay on my left side and it helps relieve any pain from eating something that may nothave went down right. You also have to remember that your DR has moved everythign around in there and it takes time for things to get settled down and to a comfortable spot because of all the change. I hoe this has helped some.
   — Sheila_E

April 9, 2007
I'm a year out and I'm still much more comfortable sleeping on my left or right side when I have a pillow for support.
   — Tigs

April 10, 2007
I don't quite feel like my chest is falling out but the left side of my ribs hurt when I lay on them. It's starting to subside now but it was very uncomfortable right after surgery.
   — KristineMarie

April 11, 2007
Hi Missy. Congratulations on your new life!! I had the same problem with lying on my left side, only it was more my lower chest/upper stomach area. The pillow helped, and after about 8 weeks, I didn't feel it anymore. I was told that the left side is where the surgeon cuts through muscle, so it takes longer to heal. I also would feel it when bending down or stretching. I was somewhat familar with the feeling, since I had two C-sections, but with them, the feeling was on BOTH sides! This was a piece of cake compared that that. So, don't worry, it gets better.... and, of course, if it continues to bother you, CALL your surgeon's office. Best wishes to you. Patty.
   — Patricia R.

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