Lap Band surgery tommorrow morning, any last minute information that i need to know?

I was scared but i prayed about it and I am now at peace. I know that this is the best decision for my health. But is there anything else that i need to know before tommorrow, should i do something, not do something, HELP ! ! !    — JakeshiaL (posted on March 26, 2007)

March 26, 2007
Jakeshia, I know it's hard but try to relax. I had the lapband done on Dec 4th and it's not that bad. You'll be a little sore in the stomach area but no great pain. Just relax and it will be over before you know it. You'll feel a little crappy for 2 or 3 days when you get home and then you'll start feeling like your old self before you know it. I have no regrets. best of luck to you. I know you'll do fine.
   — bigdooba

March 26, 2007
You will do great.I had mine done March 15 and I am felling like my self already.Just take it easy.Just dont get your hopes up on going home the next day,I had to stay a extra day because of a little extra gas in my colen.
   — Sandy Hanson

March 26, 2007
When you wake up in recovery and they ask you your pain level just say 10! :-) Good luck!
   — Gayelene

March 26, 2007
Take comfy pj's to ride home in afterwards and a small travel pillow to hold against your stomach. I was so glad I had those 2 things with me when I got out of surgery. I had mine on 2-13-07 and was on some good drugs for a few days afterwards so I was feeling great. I also agree to just tell them you pain level is 10!!! when they ask that way you get the good stuff. Good luck!!!
   — hugger1021

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