Another question, has anyone else had to do two

Has anyone had to do two week liquids before surgery?    — missyheffelfinger (posted on February 27, 2007)

February 27, 2007
My dr didnt require me to do liquids till the day before surgery. I know that some dr's have you do liquids to help your liver shrink for surgery.

February 27, 2007
No my Dr. had me do 3 days of it. But every Dr has there own plan. Good luck and congrats on the start of a new life.
   — bntfive

February 27, 2007
Every Dr. seems to have thier own protocol. I didnt, but I did have to do a serious flush out with Castor Oil the day before surgery. Good luck, hang in there. If it is too easy, everyone would do it. C
   — CChappell

February 27, 2007
I am pre-op, but have gone to the orientation with the surgeon my insurence covers. He requires a the patient's choice of a full liquid diet the 2 weeks before surgery or one meal a day and the rest liquid for those 2 weeks. It is to shrink the liver before surgery as the others have mentioned. Best of luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 27, 2007
My bariatric surgeon required a two week fast, I only did it for a week. I felt that was way too much to ask of someone. It's a good thing I didn't do it for two weeks because I thought I would either kill someone or the opposite. I was starving!!!!
   — jlw0423

February 27, 2007
This would depend on what your weight was before the liquid diet and what your Doctor would like you to be befor surgery. For me. I'm 382 lbs. now and I need to be 330 lbs before surgery. The more I loose now will mean the less I need to loose later which will decrease me liquid diet time. I don't how much weight can be lost with the liquid diet though.
   — donnyj53

February 27, 2007
Every surgeon is different, some do and some don't. Its okay -- they do it to shrink your liver more so its easier to perform the surgery. If you were on a insurance mandated six month supervised weight loss program prior to seeing your surgeon and getting approved; your liver has shrank some already and its also done to prepare you for the few weeks after surgery. I'm exactly one week post-op today and have been on the liquid diet for almost a week. Its no picnic but I'm getting there. Before you have the surgery make sure you have everything you need for the first week. I found most of the liquids I need at a store called the Vitamin Shoppe. If you have one in your area you might want to check there as well. Peace,
   — the7thdean

February 27, 2007
Every surgeon is different. My surgeon suggests it. I did it (with only one slip up - they day they took 12 vials of blood for the pre-op screens - I had full soup for dinner with the veggies and blood sugar went haywire). The first day was hard, but it is mind over matter. It's not as bad as you might think. You can eat as much fluids as you want - broth, sugar free popsciles and water. Everything else, you have to stay within a 1,000 calories, 70 grams of protein a day. I am glad I did it as it really gets you in the correct mind-set - as this is pretty much what you will be eating once you come home from the hospital. It's good for your mentally and physically. Yes, the shrinks the liver and makes it easier for the surgeon to do their thing and helps with less complications in the long run. I would rather be preventive than reactive. Good luck on your journey. I am 12 days post-op, got my staples taken out today and am tolerating all things I have tried - swimmingly well.
   — jammerz

February 27, 2007
Yea, I had to do one week of liquids before surgery
   — glennk

February 27, 2007
My surgeon requires all his patients no matter how much they weigh to do a 2 week liquid diet. I started mine today, so far so good.
   — Phyllis H.

February 27, 2007
Yes, I had to do a two weel liquid diet before and after surgery. Before wasn't so bad but the last 2 weeks got a little bit harder - I was tired of liquids and just wanted to eat something. I have to say it was well worth it though. I'm 5 months post op and I've lost 70 lbs. Hang in there and do what your surgeon tells you to do - there's always a good reason behind what they tell you. You will get better results that way. Good luck and congrats on your decision. See ya on the loser's bench!!!
   — Carol A.

February 27, 2007
My surgeon required a 2 week liquid diet before the surgery and for 3 weeks after the surgery. I thought all doctors did this until I recently discovered this message board. For some of his larger patients, he puts them on 3 weeks of liquids before surgery. If you don't do it, he won't operate. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I did have a huge weight loss before my surgery though so it was worth it. Good luck to you. Vicki Meyers
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 27, 2007
Greetings Missy...Everyone's responses are rather accurate. My surgeon's didn't put me on a two week liquid fast.But I figure that going on the fast can't hurt for two very good reasons.(1)It helps to shrink the liver prior to surgery.(2) I found that starting to reduce your caloric intake before surgery, is very helpful afterwards.After surgery you can't consume what you once could.Getting in the habit to handle smaller portions and training your "mind" will enable you to be more successful with your New eating habits,after surgery. Good luck to you.
   — purnellj

February 28, 2007
My doctor start this just before I had surgery and I only did it for 9 days...that because it was only started the early before my surgery. I did it the best to my advantage...His reasoning was that by doing this diet you r liver and other organs are smaller and less swollen and makes the operation easier especially if you are having it laproscopey. It also makes it easier to be on the restricted diet after the surgery you don't miss food as much. Good Luck!
   — jpcal

March 1, 2007
No, My dr. had me start clear liquids after 12:00 noon the day before my surgery. I am 2 months post-op & have lost 47.5 lbs. Somedays I want to give up. I wish I would loose more weight. I know I will, but I want to loose it fast (I guess). When I went to my dr.'s appt. he was upset because I had not lost enough weight. That kind of discouraged me. But since I have all of you all to talk to, that really helps.
   — carleenm

March 4, 2007
Nno not at all no liquids preop. I just had to lose 10 pounds prior in order to shrink my liver because when you diet the liver is the first place that loses.
   — jnmcneil

March 4, 2007
No not at all no liquids preop. I just had to lose 10 pounds prior in order to shrink my liver because when you diet the liver is the first place that loses.
   — jnmcneil

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