I am on liquids ....

I am on liquids until my surgery next Friday, I started this yesterday by having s/f jello and different drinks. My question is that at times i feel nausiated, is this common and what can i do to get through this? It appears to happen 3-4 times a day that i feel this way. Did anyone else go through this, as if it is a withdraw?    — missyheffelfinger (posted on February 27, 2007)

February 26, 2007
If I had to guess it would be blood sugars. Talk to your Dr though. It may be something that will pass. Best of luck in the coming weeks. C
   — CChappell

February 27, 2007
I would have to agree with Chris I think it's because your body might be going through suger withdrawl....that's what happen to me before surgery I also was light headed but I would definatley get in touch with your dr and let them know your feeling this way.......Good luck with your surgery and I'll see you soon on the losers bench.

February 27, 2007
trying eating a saltine cracker...a few wont hurt you. I was told this by my doctor and I am now 6weeks out
   — Tina G.

February 27, 2007 happened to me, too. Basically, they said my blood sugar was low and to drink some milk (high in sugar and protein). This seemed to be my magic bullet - a shot or two of 1% milk and I was back on track. Good luck.
   — jammerz

February 27, 2007
This happened to me as well. I was told full liquids were ok until the day before, but I was doing clear liquids and sugar free. Ask your doctor, but I agree with the other post about milk, my doc also said our protein shakes were ok on the full liquid stage. If you are only allowed clear, do they have to be sugar free? You may be allowed some apple juice. Good Luck!
   — robinmarra

February 27, 2007
It could be the artificial sweeteners in the jello and your different drinks. Sometimes they can really upset the stomach and cause diarrhea.
   — Juldon

February 27, 2007
Well Missy as you can see there are a lot of different answers here for you and each ones Dr. had different advise. My advise is to call your own Dr. and ask him what you should do. Each Dr. has a plan and you need to follow his plan. Mixing up different plans is not a good idea. Each plan may work just fine followed to the end but trying to incorporated several may be disasterous so make that call and stay healthy. Good Luck on your journey.
   — njkbutton

February 27, 2007
Hi Missy, thanks for your question. I did not have to do liquids before surgery, but there can be a lot of things going on. You could be anxious for the surgery, resentful that you are not having "one more meal", it could be physical, but if you have dieted before like this, then I think it would be something else. Your head will play tricks on you before and after surgery. We think we are honest with ourselves, but our lust for food is so big we are very willing to lie to ourselves to get what we want. It sounds desparate, but truthfully that is why we are obese and stay obese. We lie to ourselves about what we eat, and that we can eat whatever we want and it is ok. The brain is a strong organ and likes control. You will need to battle obesity issues both now and after surgery to have true success. Be sure you hook up with a good support group or start one, and follow your doctors plan. Once we stray for our doctors plan, we start our own, and the submission from physician to an unruly brain, very ready to compromise to give you what you want, will begin. If you can be stubborn to follow the rules for as long as possible, it will help you. Your brain will not want to follow those rules, you will "feel sick", you will "feel anxious", you will "be angry". It is all about learning to train your brain who makes the decisions. It is a battle, and it is not easy, but you can do it. Best to you. Patricia P
   — Patricia P

March 1, 2007
Hi, I am 4yrs out, and was suffering with a lot of health problems. Low iron levels, monthly B-12 shots, hair loss the list continues. I had a hard time getting the supplements I need because they were in pill form, or just didn't digest. I found this wonderful product that I wanted to share with everyone because it has changed my health problems around completely. My hair is growing back thicker and fuller, my nails are stronger than ever, my latest labs came back with flying. Write me and I will share the information with you. Cynthia
   — [Deactivated Member]

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