Shrinking Pouch?
Okay-here's the deal. I've ALWAYS complained that I was so scared because I could eat too much. From DAY ONE. My portions were much larger than any other post-ops I've ever talked to. I think the only reason my weight loss hasn't been affected is because I stick to three meals a day -Sometimes four...and I don't drink with meals, ect..but many days my cals were reaching 2000. Now I am just over 9 months out and for the last couple of weeks, I can hardly eay what I used to. For example, I just measured out one cup of Thanksgiving leftovers, and I couldn't finish it, and I feel overly stuffed. One cup to a cup an 1/2 of food was no problem before. It is really nice to see my pouch working for me, but I was wondering if anyone else at this stage has experienced this, and did it last?Kayla Lee Starting Weight 230 Current Weight 125 Goal Weight 135 10 pounds under my goal!!! — Kayla (posted on November 25, 2006)
November 25, 2006
I am a little over 3 years post op. I have had 2 hernia repaiers and a gall
bladder removal and an appendectomy since WLS. Each time it was like
starting over. I had to ease my pouch back to normal portions. My question
for you would be this..any recent changes, major or minor? ARe you eating
more carby foods than normal? I know I fill up quicker when I eat too many
carbs. So if most of your meals have been protein based this could be the
culprit. I would suggest not getting too thin..t can happen!! I got down to
112 pounds and looked sickly. I have deliverately had to put some weight
back on so I am not so frail looking!!
Renee A,
aka Iris Shimmer
— Iris Shimmer
November 25, 2006
sometimes in the beginning it is difficlut to tell when you are really full
due to healing from the surgery. Maybe now you can feel it. Congrats on
your weight loss!!!!
— SteffieBear15
November 25, 2006
I am nearly five months post op and feel just like you did...I seem to be
able to eat a lot more than everyone else also. It is alarming. I'm glad
you and your pouch are settling in so to speak. It is reassuring also.
Good Luck!
— lovey063
November 26, 2006
Okay - something isn't adding up here. You have lost 105 lbs in 9 months
eating 2000 calories a day? That doesn't add up and I'm wondering if you
couldn't possibly have gotten a calculation or two or three off kilter?
Reading your profile you mentioned about having over 1000 calories in two
meals and were complaining about the 500 calorie a cup potato soup. I
don't know of a potato soup that is 500 calories a cup. I think even the
heaviest of soups I've seen don't go over 350 calories a cup, and that
would be something heavy like chicken corn chowder that is loaded with
cream. You may want to recheck your calorie calculations. I have a
feeling you are WAY overestimating what you are eating. As for what you
are eating, if you are eating soup, you are GOING to be able to eat a cup
and a half without a problem because it's going to go through quicker.
When you try to put solids in you are going to get stopped quicker than if
you have something mushy or liquidy. Remember that your stoma is just a
hole - much like a straw. There is no sphincter, so think of a funnel with
a smaller hole. What will go through that quickly, will go through your
pouch quickly. What will stay and not move quickly in that funnel will do
the same in your pouch. Don't push the portion sizes though. Just
because you *can* doesn't mean you *should* - don't set yourself up for
failure on down the line.
— Dinka Doo
December 3, 2006
If you had the roux en-y bypass then you should remember that you are not
absorbing all those calories-because you have bypassed alot of
intestine-which is why you may be eating 2000 calories but still
maintaining or even losing. I also notice (I'm 4 years post-op) that if I
go a day or so not eating much my pouch shrinks right down and I can't eat
as much.
— sachbe
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