
Does anyone else after having operation itich bad? Its about to drive me crazy itsall beside were I'm bandaged up at were it itiches so bad at. I has some special itic lotion to go on it . That seames to work for a lil while and thats it    — wildbrat (posted on January 5, 2006)

January 4, 2006
Hi, Did you have a spinal? That made me itch like crazy.. and they gave me some kind of benadryl to help stop the itching, but check with your doctor first. Best wishes, April
   — April

January 4, 2006
You could be allergic to the adhesive in the bandage. I know that I am. I would call the doctor and let him/her know what is going on.
   — dixieclark

January 4, 2006
You could be allergic to the pain medication or the the adhesive tape. Talk to your doc.
   — Michelle E.

January 5, 2006
Beth, when your wounds are healing they are very itchy too so it may just be that.
   — jengriggs01

January 5, 2006
I had terrible itching after operations, a reaction to the anesthesia. They were able to give benedryl and it made a big difference. I remember it as sheer torture! It will end soon though.
   — Daisy C.

January 5, 2006
hey right after surgery i didnt itch,but once i was home where the staples were itched SOOOO bad.. i would scratch around them... its been 2 1/2 mos andmy scars still itch once in a while... vitamin e lotion with cocoa butter stops the tiching asap
   — ClaireMarie

January 5, 2006
Oh gosh! I'm about 4 weeks post op and I'm still itching the skin around my little incisions. I've tried a million different lotions, but none of them seems to work. The skin around my incisions is starting to flake off, so it appears to be irritation from the bandages. I'm sure it will go away soon--but it won't be soon enough!
   — cuzycam

January 6, 2006
The itching means you are healing! Wounds itch when they heal.
   — Novashannon

January 6, 2006
I itch and it is 3 weeks post far the only thing that helps is rubbing Aloe Vera lotion on the site and it lasts about 4-6 is in area where I gave myself the Lovenox shots....but getting better.
   — ash1218

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