can anyone help me with pre-op preparations

Hi everyone, I am schelduled to have surgery lap roux en y Thursday and I am nervous and confused as to what I need to be doing right now. My Dr told me that the hospital will call me on wednesday night to confirm my operation time and what i need to do the night before--can anyone please give me feedback..    — marie A. (posted on December 12, 2003)

December 12, 2003
The night before my surgery all they made me do was stop eating 12 hours before surgery. I did not have to do anything else.
   — Holly H.

December 13, 2003
I was able to have only clear liquids from noon on the day prior. I did take an ex lax in the a.m. of the day prior to so that I would not have constipation issues post surgery. It worked. I have had no bowel issues and have appreciated that fact. My surgery was scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Good luck. Sandra
   — Arizona_Sun

December 13, 2003
I couldn't eat anything at all the day before surgery besides clear liquids. I also had to drink a gallon of nasty stuff to clear out my system.
   — Heather W.

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