does sunburn cause dehydration?

I got sunburned yesterday, and drank alot of water yesterday but this morning when I sat up in bed I was so dizzy I couldnt figure out whats wrong. Im still dizzy, I know Im getting enough protien and vitiamns. So I was wondering if sunburns would cause dehydration. I dont feel thirsty.I know thats one of signs.Thanks ahead of time angie    — ANGIE M. (posted on June 9, 2002)

June 9, 2002
looks like your geting the effects of what they call sun stroke. Causes dehydration,headaches, dizziness. Be carefull. Being thirsty or not has nothing to do with dehydration. I gotten sun stroked and was hospital for burn treatments I fell asleep in the sun at a water park and i woke up and I was burned to point where I had blisters all over my body. I felt dizzy but i didnt not feel thirsty. I felt really out of it like I was going to pass out.
   — sheri B.

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