I am looking for a support group somewhere around South Bend IN

I am looking for a support group northern IN or southern MI. I am 5 weeks post op and the only discharge instructions from Dr. Gomez was come see him in 3 months. I need a little direction.    — MARK N. (posted on February 9, 2001)

February 8, 2001
Hi Mark, Welcome to the other side! I am glad your surgery seemed to have gone well (since you're writing on that behalf). You're in luck we're meeting Monday at Ryan's Steakhouse on Grape Road at 6:30. If your surgeon gave you a post-op card, I've been told by Beckey Smeyers that Ryan's gives you the child price for the meal. I myself am a pre-op and I'll be there Monday for EVERYONE'S support (I need it -- starting to think I'm crazy!) It will be my first time too, so you won't be alone! If you need any more information please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
   — Elizabeth D.

February 9, 2001
HI, in reponse to your question, we have a support group that meets every second Monday at Ryan's steak house on Grape Rd at 6:30 p.m. We have a meeting this Monday the 12th you are more than welcome, their are several different types of surgery represented & we call ourselves the LOSERS
   — nancy B.

August 23, 2003
I wish I knew of a support group near South Bend, IN. I am one year post op and would love to meet others either pre or post, just to talk. Feel free to email me at [email protected] Becky
   — Becky A.

August 23, 2003
I just scrolled down and found the answer to my question. I hope to be at the next meeting at Ryan's Steak House on Grape Road, 2nd Monday of each month. Are there a lot of people in this group? I can hardly wait!! Becky A.
   — Becky A.

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