buried penis

lost about 150lbs and have loose skin that i can deal with! but i suffer from buried penis! i had buried penis before my surgery but was able to pull it out, but it has gotten worst! my skin is so tight around my penis that i cannot pull it out anymore and if i get an erection it has no where to go but inside my skin! plus very painful and hard to clean, cant use urinal, or have any kind of sex . i did see an urologist but he was uncareing and said i need surgery to fix, any suggestions from another male who can help or has this same problem? yes i am curcumcised. im so depressed and terribly embarrassed!    — FLUFFYVIC (posted on March 16, 2011)

March 16, 2011
Hey fluffyvic good for you for asking. I've never heard another guy talk about your particular problem... I wonder if it's related to weight or is it really maybe some other issue? I'm sure not a doc... I do know for me losing 150 pounds made it so I could use urinals again, etc... so if I were you I'd try to find a different doc who can give you some help. they know a lot more than we do!! And... you may need to resign yourself to some surgery in your future to fix. Having your privates not work the way you want is a real problem. It may need a serious solution, just like your weight loss needed a serious solution.
   — Greg K.

March 17, 2011
First of all...CONGRATULATIONS on loosing 150lbs..... even though I am not a male I know what you are talking about, my best friends brother had the same issue after he had his surgery, he said that it was like being a virgin all over again and he was miserable about it......he did talk to a surgeon and he was given a special cream to loosen the skin around his penis in orger for him to be able to clean it, which he had to use every day twice a day. he did have surgery to remove the excess skin that "as he said" was taking his friend like yourself he had to sit in order to urinate...but he is much much better now after the surgery....good luck...and by the should most def get another Dr.
   — Jovanna P.

March 17, 2011
there was a story recently about this, the guy had surgery to thin and lift the skin, if it was me, id tried running or biking to thin that out because as we all know the skin lift are the most painful surgery of them all,
   — dixienormous

March 21, 2011
Time to find another doctor.
   — MastoDon

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