Lap Band weight up going up and down 4-5 lbs, have had 2 fills , total of 5 cc's in

10 cc band, does that indicate another fill is needed? Please help bandsters!!!    — T R. (posted on February 20, 2010)

February 20, 2010
Hi hang in there! I am 2 years out and have lost a total of 30% of my start wieght. There were many stalls (up to a month at a time) in my loss also but you don't Need a fill unless you start being able to eat more and get hungry quickly. Don't get hungup on CC's it means nothing. What counts is the amount of restriction.
   — rrwirz

February 20, 2010
I have a Realize Band I have had mine for almost 11 mos. if you have to full of a port then you cannot eat with my band to full I got sick and throw-up as soon as I had a 1/2 cc take I was okay and could eat . Ive only lose about 20lbs. so far ane to Me it is netter then nothing . My name is Ruth Rowe or Bootsieangel.
   — Ruth Rowe

February 21, 2010
I'm 6 months out, and have lost 45 pounds since I started. I have had 2 fills and the last time I went I 'thought' I didn't need one. But now I do and so I'll be going back to the surgeon. I know how frustrating it is.. I'm snacky again, and I can eat some things I wasn't able to. I am trying to write everything down to help me stay on track, but it is frustrating! Hang in there and remember - you are thinner than you were and the rest will come off in time!!! Lin
   — LinnieJean

February 23, 2010
I had Lap Band four months ago and have lost 100 lbs. I have a 14cc band and have 6cc in it in two fills. The second fill was 2.5ccand it made me sick. Too much too fast. So I had 2.5cc taken out and now I am taking it slow at .5 cc at a time and it is working well for me.
   — postalmoose

February 23, 2010
If you can eat more than you are supposed to and feeling hungry often, you may need a small fill to get you back on track!
   — Jordiesmama69

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