4 days post-op RNY, will diabetes go away?

Had RNY on 12/11/09. I'm not taking oral meds now (I was on oral meds b/f surg), but was told to take Lantus Insulin 10 units if my blood sugar was 110 or>. I took 2 doses in hospital. I didn't take any yesterday (blood sugar was 95 in the am). This am it's 142, so I took the Lantus. I'm discouraged. Will my diabetes go away and when?!    — leighg (posted on December 15, 2009)

December 15, 2009
Be patient, I think it will take a little time for it to go away, to get your body adjusted to the new you. I am not a diabetic and I even received a massive dose of insulin in the hospital because the nurse told me that surgery will make your levels rise. So I am certain it will go away. That is why one of the reason's insurance companies are approving wls, is because it does make diabetes go away. My sister in law just had RNY done yesterday, as she is a severe diabetic. Be patient. You are only a few days post op, it won't go away over night. Hope this helps and don't be did the right thing. Perhaps within a couple of weeks or so, you should notice a considerable change. If not, speak with your doctor.
   — Kristy

December 15, 2009
I had RNY 2/26/09, I was on insulin before the surgery and for only a very short time afterwards. I am completely off all meds except for vitamins. My last blood work showed that my A1C was not even at a pre-diabetic level. Hang in there, I am positive you will be able to get off your meds.
   — dcspence

December 15, 2009
If your diabetes is weight related then it is highly likely you will be fine as you lose the weight. If, on the other hand your diabetes is because your pancreas isn't working then you may still need insulin. Talk to your doctor and be very careful during this adjustment period!
   — kmom1420

December 15, 2009
RNY resolves diabetes in 77% of people.. I had RNY surgery on 11/23/09 and I just now am seeing normal levels.. I have been able to discontinue the meds this past week...yippee.. it will vary in people(the time frame..) The hospital also pumped you full of fluids that are full of sugar and salt following surgery. It is the common IV for after surgery to prevent low sugar problems and dehydration when people are not eating or drinking.... that will take some time to get completely out of your system.. be patient.. it will happen.. but it will be in God time frame not your wish of a time frame.. I am finding that out with the weight loss.. I have only lost 6 lbs since surgery.. but I ahev stopped the meds for blood sugar and High blood pressure so I am happy.. We are all different and all have time frams individual to our systems.. be patient..
   — Teresa S.

December 15, 2009
It may or it may not. Mine has not and I had surgery back in March. My insulin use has dropped from over 220 units per day to about 22-25 units per day. So I'm ok with that. My endocrinologist said some people's insulin is just not "good" enough to do the job so you may need to stay on insulin the rest of your life. I just feel 100 times better now then I did when I weighed 102 pounds more.
   — rkurquhart

December 15, 2009
My doctor (endocrinologist) told me that once you have diabetes, you have diabetes... you may be able to keep it under control with or without meds, but you will still have it. Good luck and keep up the good work ;)!!
   — Clumsybarbie

December 16, 2009
You didn't say whether you had type 1 or type 2 diabetes. I believe that if it's type 1 you will always be on meds because your pancreas makes no insulin. I had type 2 diabetes before my RNY (2 1'2 years ago)and they did a hemoglobin A1C test on me before I left the hospital and they took me off meds right away. Just follow your doctor's orders. You're still fresh off surgery.
   — Muggs

December 16, 2009
Don't be discouraged. It will probably take a little bit of time. I was off all oral diabetes meds a lot quicker than I anticipated. I thought it would take months but it only took weeks. I was diabetic before surery (DS) but my last A1C was 5.2. I'm about 7 months post-op.
   — Mike A.

December 16, 2009
As I am told there is no cure for diabetes and that the surgery will make you have normal blood sugars after surgery...for soe it has not taken them off the diabetes meds. I know of one person that has been placed insulin and before wls she was taking pills. I came off my 3 diabetes meds 1 month after my blood sugars got normal range. My BP has always been high and have stayed high making me to have come off just my diabetes meds after losing 50 lbs. I have unfortunately gained weight back over the almost 6 years post op and my blood sugars have not spiked, but have been running very low sometimes.
   — mspisces

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