What do I need to do before my surgery

I have been thinking about preparing for my post surgery responsiblities. I have been picking up food, trying to clean my house, is there anything else that I need to do.    — Athinnermom (posted on November 21, 2009)

November 21, 2009
Try to relax! I did the same stuff. Ending up freaking myself out. Almost like nesting right before having a baby lol. I would suggest making the sugar free jello, making sugar free ice cube tray popsicles, and separating the broth into little serving cups. I found a set of 4 cups with lids in with the kids stuff at a Dollar Tree and each holds the perfect amount of jello and broth. Good luck. Hope you have a quick and easy recovery!
   — Nina15137

November 21, 2009
make sure you have a clean house and sheets to come home to so your comfortable. have the right food and drinks to get you by for a couple weeks. chicken broth, sugar free popscicles, sugar free jello, protein supplements. crystal light is good. powerade zero. you also want to make sure you have your vitamins handy. multi vitamin, sublingual B12, calcium. make sure you have some help around the house for at least a week. you want to have loose comfortable clothes to wear while you're healing. hope this helps!
   — alojah82

November 21, 2009
I had such a good recovery, I was shocked, but my cleaning gal did come over more than once, I never cleaned, I hate to clean. You will be surprised how good you will feel. I wasn't allowed to take my vitamins until I went back to my Dr., plus I was on shakes for a long time. I am 3 months out and I still can't eat protein and I still have to puree almost everything, BTW, I had RNY. I still supplement with protein shakes, my NUT told me to do this. I bought sugar free popsicles, and the Jello treat already prepared, it was just so easy. Good luck
   — FSUMom

November 22, 2009
Pack almost nothing for the hospital. A list of your medications and vitamins. A robe that opens down the front and slide-in shoes that also serve as street shoes to/from the hospital. I didn't use any kind of moisturizer or makeup. Having them with me just got in the way of finding what I did need during the three-day stay. God bless!
   — Janell C.

November 23, 2009
Don't buy to much protein now, because you might not like it later. Our taste changes after surgery. The other posts hit everything, but don't forget to bring a pillow for the right home, to put over your abdomen. Hitting pot holes are so painful. Use the pillow to hold everything in place while going home. Don't bring too much, as you should only need one night in the hospital. (if all goes well, which it will) You will be able to still function around the house, just not fast. Your tummy will feel like you had just done 5,000 situps. But be sure you do have enough liquids and the 2 oz containers and a blender for phase 2. You won't be hungry, so buy a minute timer if you don't have one. Set your minute timer for every 5 minutes to sip, sip, sip, otherwise you could get dehydrated if not keep fluids in. I listed more than I wanted too, but it always helps.
   — Kristy

November 23, 2009
Have some hot and cold liquids available. I was able to tolerate popsicles and cold items only at first and a friend of mine could only tolerate hot so you never know what is going to work. Have an idea of some relaxing things to do. Do not vacume for the first 6 weeks I did and boy did I hurt bad after. My nutritionist gave me a list of grocery items to have on hand when I got home and I had most and didn't need them all. I also found that decafinated iced tea was a great choice for me because it is softer on the stomach than water. I hope you have great success.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

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