Anyone has a Irregular Period, post op!

I'm 5months out and down 72lbs. During the first few months, I didn't even get my period. Last month it came on for the first time since the surgery (4months later). Now its been off and on for the past few weeks. Its not heavy or anything, but it won't completely go away. Has anyone expierence something similar? Help!!! P.S I have always had irregular periods b4 surgery. I would go months to a year without having one, and when it came on it would last for bout a month, really heavy. I thought losing weight would change it, because years ago, when I lost 60lbs on my own, my period for the first time in my life was regular. But after i gained that weight back, it went back to being irregular. I thought the surgery would change it.    — Niquediva (posted on October 10, 2009)

October 11, 2009
google PCOS you might have that
   — marybeth weaver

October 11, 2009
I had the opposite effect. I was very irregular before surgery and then went into a 30 day cycle. hate it! I am perimenopausal and it has changed the length and flow etc, but now after the respite, I am finding that I am becoming irregular again. I am 16 months post op now and been amintaining for about 6 months. I think at first all the hormones are released and wreak havoc on our bodies...the hormones are stored in our fat and when we lose weight , its released you can become pregnant very easily. After time our bodies adjust. Then we will go back to what is normal for us. If you have real questions about it, I'd ask you doctor. Best of luck to you! hugs< kim
   — gpcmist

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