I am 6month out Rny and having abdominal pain is it gas or something else
I had a stuff artichoke Saturday and Sunday had a 1/4 of hamburger and salad. Not my usual diet, Today is Memorial day and I woke up fine had a bowel movement then presto the pain began! Help! what is it! Feel like i'm in labor — roro31 (posted on May 25, 2009)
May 25, 2009
It could be anything. You don't say where the pain is or describe it so no
way of telling what it could be. I will say this; I've been sick with
upper and lower issues this weekend and currently in my area (Houston, TX
area) intestinal bugs are going around. In your case we aren't there to
check you out and even if we were, except for a few exceptions, most of us
aren't in the medical field and therefore not qualified to give medical
advice. My suggestion is if the pain continues and is unbearable, call
your doctor and/or get yourself checked out at an ER or urgent care clinic.
— Kellye C.
May 25, 2009
If the pain is that bad call your doctor
— matigian
May 26, 2009
you may have eaten something that had trouble passing through your pouch if
you had gastric Y bypass or something could be lodged, if it doesnt go away
within a few hours I would call your doctor, my wife had something lodged
and had to have it removed by a simple proceedure. becareful what your
eating and chew chew chew!
— d_allen
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