I had an Endosopy today, they found a polyp, is this a serious matter?

Could it prolong or prevent getting RNY?    — regina6913 (posted on March 12, 2009)

March 12, 2009
Hi Regina, This is one of those questions that only your surgeon can answer for you. I would assume though that there are several factors to be taken into consideration when he determines whether or not your RNY can proceed as planned. Things such as it's exact location, it's size, whether it can be removed at the same time the RNY is being done, etc etc but again, only the surgeon can tell you what's going to happen. It usually doesn't take long for them to get the results of those tests so maybe you can wait a couple of days and then give him a call to speak to him about this. Good luck! I hop everything works out well for you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 13, 2009
I had a colonoscopy a year preop and they removed the polyp right there during the colonoscopy. I just have to go back for colonoscopies every couple of years. I can't address your situation because I'm not a doctor. I can only tell you what I went through. I'm now 2 years postop.
   — Muggs

March 13, 2009
I did not have a scope done before surgery, but when I was taken to have my bypass done they put the scope in first as they always do with bypass surgeries and they found 8 polyps in my stomach. They would not do the surgery on me. I woke up in the recovery room to hear the words they could not do it. I had to go back the next day and have all the polyps removed. My doctor would not do the bypass on me afterwards because he said he did not feel it would be safe. Polyps can always come back. If they come back in the part of the stomach that is closed off the they would not be able to get to them. Therefore he would not do it, but he did say he would give me lapband instead. Best thing that could have ever happened to me. I am thankful I got the band instead. I did not say this to scare you, just my experience with polyps. Best of wishes.
   — Babbles

March 13, 2009
I had a lapband put in in 2001 and lost 90 lbs. It was one of the old ones that was permanent and non-fillable. I started having severe stomach problems. When I had my endoscopy, they found 8-12 polyps, and a hernia. My doctor was able to do a revision to RNY. He removed th part of my stomach that had the polyps, hernia and lapband. I am 10 days post-op and so far I am just experiencing fatigue, but its getting better daily.
   — Debbie Zaiontz

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