Three months post op and want a baby

I am three months post op and want a baby so bad. I have lost 76 lbs and I have at least 30 lbs more b/c my Dr. wants me to be at 160. I know I am suppost to wait one year. Is there anyone out there that felt like that? I am on the BCP right now so no worries. I just want to start trying but I know I must wait. Anyone went through what I am going through?    — IamMrsMcDole (posted on October 20, 2008)

October 20, 2008
I know how your feeling,I myself have wanted kids all my adult life,having had a miscarriage when i was married..i want a baby before i get to old but know i am supposed to wait a year..its hard waiting but hoping one day after the year is upto have that bundle of joy in my arms.
   — Patsykins

October 20, 2008
Youi need to be at a stable weight and thats a primary reason 1 year plus is the recommended wait time past WLS. Remember, as you body is adjusting to WLS, it is in a malnourished state--not the best time to get pregnant. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

October 20, 2008
I really know what your mean. I am 31 years old and want a baby so badly. But I keep thinking I have lost so much wait and when I reach my goal I will be so happy. Why would I want to put on baby weight right away. I think you need to enjoy your new self for a little bit. Losing the weight is part of the honeymoon stage. the real work comes with being able to maintain the weight loss. Just relax and enjoy your new self.
   — Shopgrl714

October 20, 2008
It is hard to want something so much and have to wait. Some things take a lot of effort and waiting and is usually well worth the wait. All things come with time. Just remember when you get the baby urges really bad that you have to get your body healthy before you have the baby. You want the baby to get the nourishment it needs from your body and you want your body to be able to handle pregnancy. Once it is all in the right order it should go better. Just think of the end result if you do not follow doctors orders and suggestions. You would not want a lifetime of regret if something should happen out of impatience.
   — kandymc

October 20, 2008
Yes I know exactly how you feel. Infertility is one of the things that led me to get the realize band. I can't wait to try to get pregnant but I know how important a healthy body is to carrying a baby, so I patiently (?) wait for my one year mark. We've thought about adopting in the meantime or foster care- hang in there and someday all of this will be worth the wait =-) Amy
   — amybellock

October 20, 2008
did the doc say why you had to wait? because it sounds like to me, it's about nutrition. your body doesn't get enough nutrition yo support a healthy baby. that would be my concern. why would you want to start a life out with bad health? but ask your doc to be sure.
   — peggy R.

October 21, 2008
Why don't you go over to the Pregnacy boards and read about their experiences with WLS and pregnancy...It might ease or change your mind. Just do things safely for you and a baby...You want to make certain you can get enough nutrition for both of you to stay healthy...Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

October 21, 2008
Jessica, emotions are very strong when we want something, but you will be soooooooooooooooo very sorry if you don't wait to have a baby. Your body needs to change and then adapt to change again to bring a healthy baby into the world and give it a full chance to be as healthy as possible. Please wait, lose that weight you want to, and learn to maintain it. Let your pouch stretch naturally and in a few years you will be able to eat normal, you will have hopefully changed your eating habits to benefit weight maintenance and exercise regularly, and be able to give that precious little one all the very best opportunitities to be healthy from a healthy mom. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

October 21, 2008
Well, I can say this. I am 5 month post op, lost 62 lbs with about another 60 to go, and just found out I was pregnant!! I have 1 child that is 5, and was not wanting any more right now, and boom- I am! The lord had a different plan for me. I freaked out and spoke with my wls doc and my ob and they both said they have had no problems with other similar situations. They have delivered healthy beautiful babies! They both stressed to get in the protein! So that is what I am doing.
   — MissyLawrence

October 21, 2008
Jessica, I just read your profile and realized you are an Army wife and 22 years old. I would like to dig a little deeper if I may. I understand the desire for a baby or babies, all I ever wanted was to be a nurse and a mother of several babies from the time I was in kindergarten. I remember talking about it. In saying that, I completely get where you are coming from. Here's where I want to dig a little.... does your husband being in the Army and most likely away a good part of the time have anything to do with your overeating/obesity and strong desire for a baby? Are you lonely and depressed and medicating with food and wanting a baby so you aren't alone? If I'm off base, please forgive me. I had a family with a husband, 3 kids, lots of animals and still became depressed and bored at night by myself and began anesthetizing myself with food and became morbidly obese so perhaps that isn't the answer. You are only 22 years old. Have you gone to college, gotten a solid career and done all you can do to make yourself the best person you can be to be happy and provide for a baby? I would highly recommend that you put yourself first... reach your goal weight and maintain it for a while and get your life on track and be all that you can be. If after that time passes and you and your husband are happy and healthy and feel the time is right, go for it. You are in a state of malabsorption and low caloric intake and not in the best physical shape during the weight loss phase to get pregnant. It's hard for us to get in enough nutrition to keep us going, let alone feed a fetus too. I really hope that you wait awhile and try to put things in perspective... I get it though... when I want something.. I want it now and I don't like to wait either. My husband is the complete opposite, he likes to "sleep on it and think it over". In the end, I have to say his way of doing things usually ends up being the best way when I look back on the important decisions we have made. Either way, I wish you all of the very best and please thank your husband for me for serving our country and thanks to you for holding down the home front while he does so. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

October 21, 2008
If U happen to get pregnant right now U will B able 2 have a successful pregnancy. But, there are reasons why they suggest U wait. I had a baby 4 years post-op and she took all my vitamins so much that I had to have B-12 administered intravenously at a Cancer-center. This is not typical, so don't worry. Just try 2 wait, if possible.
   — Kelly T.

October 22, 2008
I agree w/what everyone else has said about waiting until the dr gives you the OK (you've come this far and are so new out...don't shoot yourself in the foot!)'re young and have plenty of time for a baby.... That should know this very important fact: You indicate you are on BCP....but now that you have had this surgery, YOU MAY HAVE MALABSORPTION PROBLEMS W/BCPs...which means you may be risking getting pregnant NOW before you're ready and while you're still 'thinking' about it. A pregnancy right now would not be a disaster...over on the post-op pregnancy board there are several who ended up pregnant early out (several due to not knowing about the malabsorption of the BCP issue) and they're doing OK...but some have had serious nutritional complications. Be patient a little more. At least your dr is telling you one year out...some say 18-24 months! Good luck with whatever you decide...just make sure it's the healthiest decision for you and a baby.
   — Hollywog

December 1, 2008
First thing.........I dont know what your surgeon told you but mine told me that no bcps, shots or patches would work efficiently post-op and said to be very, very careful. At the time I didnt pay any attention since I had been told for years that I had pcos and would need fertility meds to get pregnant. I had my surgery 12/2005 and was pregnant with my fraternal twin boys 10 months later in October. Needless to say I never made it to the fertility Dr. I am so happy and feel so blessed to have my boys in my life. The only caution that I can advise to you is that post pregnancy I was diagnosed with a stretched outlet, pouch never stretched. The symptoms and reasons that I went to my surgeon were that I started to have a bad vitamin deficiency, i was exhausted, my lips were badly cracked and I was nauseated alot. I have to have my outlet tightened up so that the food will not just go through me and my body can get the vitamins that it needs. I caution you to wait for the appropriate time but on the other hand I cant say that I would change a thing. I have two beautiful and healthy babies that I should not have been able to have. I would go over things carefully with my dr and make sure that your vitamins are stable and your surgery is completely healed. I now have a mirena implanted for bc. It is localized bc so you dont get any of the other side affects like the pill carries. Also I would love to have one more baby (babies???) so once the mirena is removed you are able to get pregnant immediately, whereas the pill, it can take a while for the medicine to be out of your body
   — girlfrtn23

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