Gastritis...does anyone else get it regularly??
I have it the point that I have to go to bed and curl up until I feel better, which sometimes takes an hour or more. I do the Prilosec every so often but I'm wondering if there's something else that works better. I try to avoid caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, etc. but now and then....COME ON! I have to. Please help. Thanks. Debbie (five years since RNY) — Debbie N. (posted on October 15, 2008)
October 15, 2008
We were instructed that we need to take Pepcid AC everyday for the rest of
our lives. It helps very well. I don't have those problems.
Blessings, Anita
— ap2008324
October 15, 2008
Hi, I have gastitis and had it worse before my surgery, 10-31-07. I get
occassional bouts every now and again and I'll pop in a prilosec and it
goes away within an hour. I don't take it every day like I should but it
seems to be working for me. Sorry this is not really an answer to your
problem but just letting you know I still have it but not as bad.
October 15, 2008
Hi Debbie,I haven't had my surgery yet,however I have had severe heartburn
and acid reflux for so many years that I can't remember! I have used every
OTC meds and even the new PROTONIX (300.00) a month for this. 4 years ago
my fiancee introduced me to Prilosec OTC and I DO NOT EVER GO without
it!!!! I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!! You can take 1 in morning and 1 in the
evening if you have it that bad! Best of luck,hope you find an answer!
— kurtsgirl
October 15, 2008
Hi Debbie, I have it too, and nothing I took helped me until my family Doc
put me on Prevacid (often confused with Prilosec) It helped me
tremendously. I will warn you though that it's not cheap. Hope you get
the help you need, it's not good for your insides going through those
attacks. Good luck.
— katiecakes
October 15, 2008
whats Gastritis??? I'm sorry, I've never heard of this.
— Mindee M.
October 15, 2008
My mother was diagnosed 3 years ago as having gastritis with flare ups
coming quite frequently. After a particurly bad flare up and an ER visit,
it was found that her gall bladder was the cause and since it's removal she
has not so much as had a stomach ache or even burped which both botherd her
prior to the removal of gall bladder.
— Gena L.
October 15, 2008
Has your doctor done any studies to diagnose gastritis or is this his
subjective diagnosis? Perhaps a GI workup?
Good luck,
— DawnVic
October 15, 2008
debbie, you answered your own question "I try to avoid caffeine,
alcohol, spicy foods, etc. but now and then....COME ON! I have to."
after RNY wheter it's a month or ten years, your stomach can no longer
handle those kinds of items. if you are going to eat and drink those kinds
of things you need to prepare properly. get on a regular regimen of either
previcid or prilosec, especially days before and after eating the
"no-nos". i had terrible acid reflux and my precription plan
made me try all kinds of OTC products prior to finally approving previcid.
i have now been off of it for 3 years now, and my gastrointestinal system
has healed. (i did not have ant bariatric surgery though)
October 19, 2008
I started with gastritis when I was about 19 years old. I tried
everything, including swigging Milk of Magnesia (it coated my stomach, but
activated the bowel sequence!) My father in law had an ulcer issue (he
drank a fifth of vodka every day). He told me to try one of his Tagamet
tablets. I couldn't afford them, so I got them from him when he had a few
extras. It was and is the only thing that helps my gastritis. My doctor
said it was like a sunburned stomach and I had better pay attention to it,
before it turned into an ulcer (don't even know if that is possible).
ANYWAY, I am now 51 and when I feel a flare up, I take one Tagamet (store
brand) and it goes away! Good luck to you.
Peace, Deb
— Debbi S.
October 23, 2008
Instead of all the anti-acids, get your stomach in balance. Get off acid
foods like "red" meats and get more "basic" like fish.
Take 2 things: 1. a pro-biotic, good bacteria, for digestive tract. Cheap
one at WalMart called BioSalud. $0.88 for 5- 2 oz. bottles. 2. Take a
good "liquid" vitamin / mineral supplement like VEMMA. Go to High in antioxidants and has 1000 IU Vitamin D3.
— [Deactivated Member]
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