How soon after surgery should I have a BM

   — R. Sargent (posted on October 4, 2008)

October 4, 2008
It took me a whole week! I was getting worried, so I took some milk of magnesia and look out!!! There was not a lot in there because I had to do a total cleanse before surgery and being on liquids for the week did not produce much either. But, after the M.O.M I went everyday sometimes more than once. It is yucky, but the stuff works! Everyone is different though, and it depends on if you had anything in your intestines at the time of surgery. I had nothing! Good Luck!
   — Gina F.

October 4, 2008
I had one by the second day...It was never ever the same as pre op ever again....I never know WHAT on earth to expect every day...I am regular (meaning I have one daily)...but there is nothing that is the same day to day...It is rarely ever the same color, texture, amount, size, shape....It's just plain alien-ish! Pure weirdness! Been this way for over 4 years! I am serious...I really NEVER know what to expect
   — .Anita R.

October 4, 2008
And they are absolutely correct! It took me five days to have my first BM and It's never been pre-op style and never the same. I've gone from constipated to gang way! and all other factors vary widely. If you haven't had one in a week, definitely call your surgeon and he'll probably suggest chalk...I mean MOM. I'd ask about Colace or the equivalent if you have hard stools. Good luck. No, I'm not going to say I hope everything comes out all right, but it will be okay, promise. Dusty @};-
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

October 4, 2008
My husband and I were both different. His was two days after and wasnt solid. Mine was 5 days and it was solid. My dr told me to take colace so It wouldnt cause bleeding. I did have a problem with that. I cant stand the liquid colace or MOM kind so I got colace in pill form..peeled off the outer cover and crushed the pills ate it in a teaspoon of applesauce. Everythings been fine ever since. Two weeks out!
   — janice2007

October 5, 2008
Just had RNY Sept 30th Just had first today on Oct 5th so I'm up there pretty much with everyone else. 5 day's and don't know what to expect.
   — LBowker

October 5, 2008
Sounds like I had pretty much the same experience as everyone else! At my 1 week post-op I asked the doctor, because I hadn't had a BM. He said to take 5 Tablespoons of MOM. Within 5 hours I was going (and going and going). However, because I really hadn't had any food for over a week, it was mostly watery. You will find protein drinks given it a little more . . . substance, I guess you'd call it. But ever since then I go daily - but the others are right - it has never again been the same as pre-op (I am 4 weeks out VGS). Wendy
   — Wendy M.

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