ANy good recommendations on Protein SHakes?
Hello all! Need some advice, I am currently experimenting with different protein shakes. I have tried Whey [ewww!] and some soy proteins. Does anyone have any tastier/more proteiny brand recommendations? I know I will want variety after my surgery and for my liquid diet prior. I appreciate any feedback! Thanks too all! — kadeeagogo (posted on September 14, 2008)
September 14, 2008
Hi Katie,
I do agree on the Whey protein. I have tried it in my coffee as I like the
Chocolate flavor in my coffee. You have to MIX it very well. I use a very
small wire wisk to mix with. I also use 100% PROTEIN -Essential Natural
from GNC. I found the GNC by me keeps several brands made up and you can
taste them. This one I add 2 scoops[44 g protein] to 2 cups skim milk
sometimes a banana or a yogart. add ice bend and sip. I keep several
ISOPURE [40 g protien from GNC] . I keep cold add ice drink-sip like a
water. Found I like the apple-melon, orange-pineapple. has many flavors.
My Dr. suggested Carnation Instand Breakfast-sugar free. I have to be very
careful as I am allergic to IODINE.. I have tried some products and found
it burns my pouch. You can add flavings to make what you like to drinks.
TRY TRY TRY and sfter surg you may have to start over as your tastes seem
to change. Good luck..happy tasting
— tootsie52
September 14, 2008
I like the Atkins Adantage protiens drinks.
— Donna H.
September 14, 2008
I tried one called My Victory. It's so delicious. They have choco or
— bariatricdivalatina
September 14, 2008
I like Pure Protein Vanilla, the RTD shake in the can done in a blender
with 1/2 a frozen banana, a packet of Splenda and sometimes a few pieces of
frozen mango, pineapple or blueberries. I get it by the case at The
Vitamin Shoppe or online. Each 12 oz can has 35 grams of protein, 2 carbs
and 1 fat and 180 calories. When blended well with a frozen fruit of some
kind, it comes out thick and creamy - like a real milkshake.I bet that some
liquid protein could be added to raise the protein intake per ounce.
— MusigalF
September 14, 2008
Hi Katie,
What I do is use one cup of 1 percent or super skim milk one small thing of
yogurt and a packet of carnation instant breakfast a banana and some ice
cubes into the blender and blend up. I think they are tastey and
— jennylynnsch
September 14, 2008
I used to make smoothies with a combination of Soy protein, Rice protein,
Almonds, Peanut Butter and frozen Bananas. The reason I mixed the Soy and
Rice proteins and the Nuts was because as a strict Vegetarian for about 20 years, I have
learned that you need to have at least TWO DIFFERENT types of vegetable
sources of protein in order to get a BALANCED protein. You can get a
balanced protein from MEAT, but you cannot from Vegetables, so you must eat
Grain, Beans, and NUTS in COMBINATION TOGETHER to get the complete protein
that you would get in MEAT. You cannot get the complete protein from DAIRY
even. You must STILL combine DAIRY with one of the three VEGETABLE
proteins to get the complete protein. SO, I would combine the proteins
together to get my complete protein, and I would add the frozen Banana to
get my smoothie! I would use the chocolate flavored mixes that were
unsweetened, and I would sweeten them to taste with an artificial sweetener
that would not set off my migraines. I am sensitive to Nutrasweet and
allergic to sugar, so I cannot use Splenda, since it is made of sugar. I
had found a grain alcohol based sweetener that I could use that was low
calorie, and I used that to sweeten my mix. You can use YOUR favorite; I
mixed the Soy and Rice mix 1 to 1. I added about two or 3 teaspoons of
peanut butter or about 12 almonds to the mix or a mixture of that depending
on what I had. Throw in about half of a banana and about 2 scoops of the
mix to about 8 ounces of water, rice milk, or soy milk and mix. You may
want to experiment with the mix a bit to get it right because different
mixes come out with different consistencies. You may have to add more
fluid to the mix to get it right. This is a rather tasty mix once you get
it dialed in. I hope this helps, Hugh.
— hubarlow
September 14, 2008
My personal favorite is Designer Whey chocolate protein powder ... One
scoop mixed with one packet of No Sugar Added Carnation Instant Breakfast
and eight ounces of almond milk. I also looooove Muscle Milk, but only the
premixed shakes and they're tooooo expensive!
— lauren_marie
September 14, 2008
Katie, I use the Atkins Advantage Shakes, they are premixed and you can get
them at Walmart. They have a variety of flavors, I just like all the
chocolate and strawberry is good. I still use them. I had lap band and I
have never been a breakfast eater so I drink them and when I have my fills,
I have to have liquids for 24 hours and they are so easy to use that I keep
them in my refrigerator all the time. I got where I couldn't even get the
powder up to the nose and my surgeon suggested the Atkins Advantage Shakes
and glad he did. I just love them. Good Luck! Diane
— dyates2948
September 14, 2008
Hi Katie
I love the Atkins Adantage protiens drinks. i start work so early in the
morning and this help me to get in my breakfast. But maybe you can help
me. I cant see to lose any more weight I am 5 months and only lost 54
lbs. and I am really stuck. asny advice for me please I need help cuz I am
very depress and discourage at this point I had bypass on april 14 .
— zydeko47
September 14, 2008
Stack (officially known as Champion Pure Whey Stack-chocolate) stirs into
foods like cottage cheese, pudding, ... water with just a spoon. It rarely
clumps. PS 100 (officially known as Pro Score 100- chocolate also made
by Champion Nutrition Company) is a clumper. You have to use a blender to
get it to mix smooth. In taste tests I have seen they rank a close #1 and
#2 as favorites among those who tried them in online surveys and in support
groups I belong to. Then some brilliant person - I have no idea who -
decided to mix them, one scoop of each together, and a major yummy
discovery was born. That is what I love
the best. I cry if I run out of one or the other. So if you order
samples I would recommend getting two of each. Drink the Stack by its self.
Drink the PS 100 by its self. Then mix the 2nd sample - half and half
together. Be brave. Use a blender with some ice in it. It reminds me of a
Frosty from Wendy's, and I've come to crave them like dessert.
So I use 1 scoop of Champion Pure Whey Stack in chocolate, and 1 scoop of
Champion Pro Score 100 in chocolate, and add a very little bit of Torani's
Sugar Free Brown Sugar and
Cinnamon Syrup. I mix it with 6 oz of Lite Chocolate Soy Milk (or Lite
Vanilla Soy Milk) and about 2 oz of water. I blend it up in my Magic Bullet
with 4 ice cubes. It doesn't come out clumpy at all and it tastes amazing.
Sometimes I'll add in some banana or peanut buttur, or a different flavor
of sugar-free Torani's syrup (the white chocolate is good too), but that's
the general receipe that I've been following for over a year. That's 2-4
shakes a day for about 18 months and I still love the mix. I've tried some
other protein powders/shakes but always come back to this.
The Magic Bullet was a bit pricier than I would have liked (about $60), but
since I use it 3 or 4 times a day I consider it money well-spent.
Many others on the board like Unjury protein powders, but I don't like them
(although I'm part of a very small minority). The best advice I can offer
is this: order the sample packets of protein powder from -
that way you can try
out a bunch of different flavors without commiting yourself to buying a big
tub. I found some good ones that way, and I also found some bad ones.
— AmyTrix
September 14, 2008
Hi Katie, I love chocolate so I mix one scoop of the chocolate whey protein
powder with a can of slim fast low carb chocolate drink and a package of
carnation instant breakfast. I use a 20oz water bottle to shake it up, then
I pour it through a strainer into a glass. It is sooo yummy.
— scaryreader
September 14, 2008
try unjury it's really good and they have cho, vanilla, strawberry. it's
sold on the web at this link.
plus I get this at the health food store and It's also great, either of
them does not have a after test and are not sharkey
Nature's Plus, Spiru-Tein high protein meal
hope this help, good luck and GOD BLESS
— LBowker
September 14, 2008
Try Unjury protien shakes. They have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and
unflavored. I love the unjury shakes, they are far better than any of the
others I have tried.
— HBSantis
September 14, 2008
Whey tastes/smells like monkey butt! plus I am lactose intolerant which
makes it also give me quite a belly ache! But...I LOVE Muscle Milk...the
chocolate tastes like cake batter! (Little helpful hint, mix protein in
almond milk and WOOHOO! That's a nice flavor!) I use EAS Premium Protien
Blend...It is a whey-soy isolate blend that I get at costco...It is the
FIRST whey that I can tolerate with no belly ache and the taste has grown
on me...I put it in my instant coffee every single morning...Love
it...Muscle milk tastes great, and is supposed to be lactose free, but
something in it still gives me a belly ache on a full serving, but I can
tolerate a half serving and it's a nice flavor!
— .Anita R.
September 14, 2008
The only thing I've found that I can stick to is the Unjury Chocolate Shake
mix. You have to mix it really well because it does tend to clump but it
is really good with milk or coffee. Also, there is this Protidiet product
and they have a liquid concentrate in Grape and Tropical Fruit it is really
good and since it is a concentrate it is really smooth and refreshing and
you are still getting 15g of protein. Hope this helps and good luck!
— tunderhill
September 14, 2008
Hi, if you have a VITAMIN SHOPPE near you or go to, they
have a product called Pat's Diet Shake which is loaded with protein and
tastes very good. It comes in Chocolate and Vanilla. There are also many
other protein shake powders available there. I like almond milk too, but
it hardly has any protein. I, luckily not minding the taste of soy,
usually use soy milk to blend the shake with, if you get the vanilla
flavored soy milk it helps mask the off notes of the powder. And Hugh,
what an informative post! I printed it out to save for future reference.
— Mary H.
September 15, 2008
The only one I can drink is GNC 50 Gram Slam (liquid) in Milk Chocolate -
and only ice cold or over ice. Keep trying... If you go to a support
group, ask if others have samples they would be willing to give up.
— gonnadoit
September 15, 2008
I drink BSN Lean Dessert protein shakes. They are delicious!
— annabellapeekin
September 15, 2008
Unjury makes 5 different whey isolate products-Chocolate, Vanilla,
Strawberry Sorbet, Chicken Soup, and unflavored. All of these are really
good, especially the Chicken Soup. With Chicken Soup, you do not smell or
taste the whey whatsoever. I could hardly believe it the first time I
tried it. The strawberry sorbet was really good as well, but you could
still smell the whey a little bit. I only mixed it with water, so that
could have been the problem. The others are very palatable, if you like
sweet drinks, which I do have a problem with. I'm just not into sweets and
never have been. Their website is and you can order samples
at $1.75 per packet. If you order in bulk, they will take the product
back, if you are not satisfied. Their overall price is actually very
reasonable compared to other products on the market. Their customer
service is absolutely out of this world. Good luck with your surgery and
God be with you and your family through your trials and tribulations!!!
— Teresa J.
September 15, 2008
The Vitamin Shop has protein called Nectar that is really good. It comes
in all different favors. I have one called Fuzzy Navel. It mixes really
good with water and a spoon.
— BugJune
September 15, 2008
There's the liquid protein... Iso something. I've not tried it but know
someone who loves it. He's 2 years out and has cut his weight by more than
half! You can get it at GNC.
— pattschiele
September 15, 2008
Is it okay to use a meal replacement shake in the place of a meal during
the day? Sometimes I don't want to eat 3 or 4 meals a day. (8 weeks
— Toby2
September 15, 2008
Is it okay to use a meal replacement shake in the place of a meal during
the day? Sometimes I don't want to eat 3 or 4 meals a day. (8 weeks
— Toby2
September 15, 2008
The doctor I used does not allow protein shakes, so we have to get our
protein through the foods we eat. I added powdered milk to my pureed foods
and yogurt in the beginning to get my recommended amount of protein. I
would try to integrate the two ways if you think you need the shakes. I
have never had a protein shake and have always had enough protein....Good
— andrealej
September 21, 2008
I have tried so so many and I still can't really find one that I like. I
will drink one a couple times and think it's okay and then just get
nauseated from it and not want it again. I gave up and now just stick with
New Whey 42g "bullets". It's just liquid, thicker and you can
cool it and it's kind of like jello. I don't bother cooling it. I just take
a swig at least one bullet per day. It works for me and it's not bad at
— Fluffee
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