I have just had hysterectomy surgery and it seems like i cant feel my stomach yet

I fell like i cant tell when im hungry or full ,like when you 1st have the rny this normal? Also i love to eat at night and everything is full of carbs any good snack food suggestions that wont make me start to regain my weight?    — minkii68 (posted on August 2, 2008)

August 2, 2008
I find I eat more when I am alone. You're not hungry, you're empty. I am always feeling empty. I have a fondness for the drinks you make using a small envelope of powder mixed into a 16.9 oz water bottle. Makes for an ok drink and the very light carbonation helps as well. I would kill for a bag of chips right now.Find something for your hands to do. I'm sorry I don't have more helpful things to say. You are not alone. Kris #327
   — Lord-Icon

August 2, 2008
Isn't the PURPOSE for the Weight Loss Surgery to KEEP you from snacking? Perhaps you may want to find a hobby. Try doing something that will KEEP you from thinking about food. Maybe instead of snacking, you could try to drink some crystal light. Take up knitting. Go for a WALK. Call a friend on the Phone and CHAT. There must be a number of things that you can do instead of snacking. That is the LAST thing you want to do. I am not trying to be judgmental, just trying to offer some constructive alternatives.
   — hubarlow

August 2, 2008
Eat something with fat in it, it digests slowest. Avoid sweet liquids if you want to lose weight. I used to eat manchego cheese and olives when I got hungry. Very filling and will get you through the night. Also, stop watching TV.
   — GaryLGreen

August 2, 2008
Oh how familiar this sounds! I too have had a hysterectomy following RNY. Yes - the numbness is real. It has improved but is not gone one year after hysterectomy. I too have a night and snacking problem. Still battling both and I expect tht will be a battle on one level or another all my life. I have made a grand effort to at least transfer my snacking problem to better foods. I use cucumbers and carrots to get the crunch factor etc. There will asways be tough challenges but how much more positive energy you will have when you fight the challenges from the successful side of the street now! I have also become involved in an up and coming website There are recipes there for protein cookies which are an alternative to protein bar type foods. You can make them small snack sized and use as a protein boosted snack source. Win-Win!! Best of luck to you!
   — sunny99

August 3, 2008
If you are not feeling hungry...then why are you eating at night? LOL I'm a night eater too (and often eat because I am bored...not hungry) Seriously, you should take advantage of the "no hungry" situation and nip that night time eating in the bud now! Otherwise, I'd eat raw veggies for your leanest snack possible...I usuually eat a fruit...some raw veggies, soy crisp or nuts...and try to stop there...Lately, I am addicted to those derned wasabi peas (found in the Asian section of up scale grocery stores) It's hard to stop , but they are filling so I do find satisfaction in them...Your best bet is to try to stop night eating...(This coming from someone who has the same probelm) It's hard to make the right choices all the time. That can lead to big trouble if you don't stay committed...I struggle some nights because I like all food and don't have too much trouble with much of anything. Even in moderation, you can over do things and gain weight...That's all I can really say about it...
   — .Anita R.

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